

Monday, June 4, 2012

27 weeks!

(Stare at my belly, not my face..;])

So this week baby is the size of a cauliflower! I know I know a cauliflower isn't nearly as long as an English cucumber (last week) but this week it is going from the whole 2 pounds my baby weighs! 
Also baby could be up to 15 inches long! I personally don't think that baby is that long, but who knows :p
Our baby has more taste buds now then it will have when it is born! Baby can "taste" the food i eat based on the amniotic fluid. It changes based on what i eat.. So anything spicy baby can taste and may respond.. and our baby does! [;

This is week 27 the last and final week of six months, and the last and final week of my second trimester! Can you believe it?! I sure and the heck can't! Time is just slipping away. This week is the first time i have woken up with....SWOLLEN FEET! and let me tell you that is not something to look forward to when you are pregnant! I was so exhausted that day, so it was making my feet feel ten times worse! But you know.. when your having a 'bad' day or things just aren't going your way, and you just want to go home and go back to sleep and start the day all over.. well that is how i felt and then...i felt my baby kick and my day instantly got better and it got me through the day! It is amazing what feeling your baby move can do to your mood! And might i add.. my baby is a moving machine! :D 

I can't believe that i am going to be seven months next week! These past sixth months have been the most amazing six month of my life! Yes, i haven't had that long of a life, but so far it is amazing. Carrying a baby.. a human life, is such a blessing and is the most amazing thing that you can experience in a women's life. ( That is my opinion at least) I Love our little baby and in 2 months and 5 days..89 days.. our baby's due date will be  here, and hopefully so will our baby! That's if baby is 'on time' (;
We are flying out tomorrow to good ol' Mesquite, Nevada. Where we will have our baby shower on the 6th and my soon to be sister in law will be graduating on the 7th! I am so excited to see everyone! Especially the most amazing little baby (not a baby anymore, but i still like to think) my nephew Wyett! He is so excited also! I have missed my nephew so much! Yes, mom and Tieara i have missed you too (; I also get to see my dad this week! It will be awesome to spend some time with everyone and go swimming in 120 degree weather. :P

Well i guess i better go start packing.. until next week! (:


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