

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The past && a little about my life.

     Well today will be the first and official day that I have started my online blog. I have decided to blog because i have always tried to keep a journal err a scrapbook of things that happen in my life but... I can never stick with it. To start I am an 18 year old girl living in a small town named Mesquite. I have recently graduated high school and let me tell you, I waited fer that day fer as long as I could remember! Since graduation in June life has taken some strange turns fer me. My best friend ended up moving to Texas right after graduation to start her life there. Saying bye to her was one of the hardest things, but i knew i would see her again. As August approached all of my friends were getting ready to leave and go off to college. Now none of my friends really live here, just me. My plan has always been to join the military but I have put that on hold because my life is going nothing like I planned, but whose does? I will soon be leaving this town that I grew up in and have a home away from home. I will be re-locating to Oregon. Scary yes, but I am ready to get out of here. I will be leaving either this Wednesday err Thursday. Totally looking forward to the 16-18 hour drive! 
     My blog will consist of me telling about my life and the adventures that it I will go through. I'm not going to be all that great at this, but don't judge me just bare with me. 
    Today I woke up in the best mood ever its amazing what waking up next to someone you love can do to your mood. My adventures fer today is packing! Even though most of our stuff is packed we still have a few more stuff to pack. Then dinner with my wonderful crazy family. It will be hard to leave them, but i will be back to visit this place as much as I can! Excuse my rambling that I do so much. I guess that is all I have time to write today.

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