

Sunday, May 6, 2012

23 weeks = 6 months!

      Baby this week is sixth months growing!;) can you believe it?! Baby can now feel the movement of my body!  Baby's ears have also fully developed! Baby is weighs over a pound now,  and will double the size in just 4 weeks! Baby's skin is all saggy at this stage and still transparent, but then again baby is still growing! 

      Week 23.. six months in.. I can't freaking believe it! ;D only 3 more months to go! Isn't that crazy?! I love waking up on Saturdays knowing im another week further! Its like waking up on christmas morning, you know that feeling when you wake up and your all excited to see what santa has brought you.. yeah I get that feeling every SaturdayThis week so far is going good, im feeling good! Minus I feel more and more hungry!  But it seems like im more hungry at work then I am at home.. hmm maybe I need to pack a bigger lunch;p. Baby once in a while still lays on my nerve, but once I start talking to baby and rubbing my belly the pain goes away. (It must be baby's way of wanting some attention :) ) my cravings this week are still the same it's been.. hotdogs and spaghetti! And the occasional craving for icecream! Sleeping is getting more and more harder but I've figured a way to get comfortable finally so I should be okay for awhile!;) my secret to being comfortable while I sleep.. PILLOWS..LOTS AND LOTS OF PILLOWS ;). i've gotten the occasional lower back pain, nothing out pf control though (: well I don't have much for this week, nothing much has been going on! But I can tell you that I have a doctors appointment on the 16th! So ill have more to write then;) until then folks! (:

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