

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What are you really thankful for..

I started with this quote, because honestly.. its the truth. Little things are the most important!

So, today i found my rockstar that i have been searching for! The second i opened it..the smell of that drink brought back so many memories! i couldn't believe that one smell of an energy drink, could bring back soooo many memories..So I don't always have the time to call/text all of my friends that i miss! But i do think about all of you, all the time! You guys are all such awesome friends! And since this month everyone has been posting about what they are thankful for.. i would like to tell you all how thankful i am to have grown up with you all and have the awesome memories that i got to have with you! I miss you guys sooo much! Now all of you come visit and meet my baaabbyyy :D. Even though we don't talk or haven't spoke for awhile.. i am and always will be here for you all! So TEXT ME SOMETIME! (:

Desiree - I miss your stinkin' guts! When ever you get the chance, come visit me! I'm dying for some us time, although it will be much different, now that we are grown up.. im sure we will manage to act like we are 10 again(;

Aishaa- I miss you, and i want you to come move up here!! I miss our walks around town and trying to squeeze into one jacket so we wouldn't be cold :P

Ryan patrick- you know, the smell of that rockstar reminded me alot of our old memories! Driving around in your old little white car, while the hood was on fire and you just kept walking away from it. LMAO. Or driving around with you acting like a bunch of idiots :P I hope you are doing good.. i mean how can't you be! Your outta that crappy town! ;) I miss you poptart.

Kari- Baby giiirrrrlll! i would love to hear from you, and see how you are doing! I miss our conversation

Karli- Yes, i think about you all the time too (;. I have a co-worker who used to live in New York, so when i see her i think of you! :P I miss everything we used to talk about and the times we would hang out and the times when we used to have sleepovers, making slushies with V8 juice ;)

Merlin John Jr.- I miss our crazy times in your car, our trips to Micky D's, and all the laughs that we had! I missss yooouu! 

Ashley Shurtleff: I miss seeing your face! I miss talking to you, and i think about you often! I hope you are doing good! I am always here for you!

Now that i am done with my whole emotional friend sha-bang. LOL I want everyone to know how truely greatful i am for them! Just because i didn't name you doesnt mean i dont think about you! Sometimes random things i see reminds me of random people.. I miss all my friends, but i am glad that we have all started growing up and moving on, although i will never forget all the memories we all had together!
I am also so very thankful for my parents! No matter what happens they have always been there to support me! Thank you mom for carrying my in your belly for 9 months,  and everything that you do for me, and my little family! & Thank you dad for always being there! Thank you to my new family! (The Mulliners) for being all such awesome in-laws! & Thank you Brad & Tracy for bringing Christian into this world! :D Im thankful to have such a wonderful sister, shes always sticking by my side through everything. Im thankful for my brother in law for all the times he went to get me food LOL but really i am thankful for him and my sister for bringing such an amazing nephew into this world! I don't know what i would do without them!
I am so entirely greatful for Christian <33333 He is my heart & soul! He is the best husband and dad in the world!! Thank you baby for all you do! You complete me!
And the most important thing i am greatful for.. my beautiful baby boy! I'm so blessed to have him here with us, he is the best baby and the happiest baby i have ever seen. I just loooveee him with everything!
Thank you Lord for all the people you have brought into my life..and thank you so much for my handsome baby!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Yes, I'm still blogging! (:

             Boy oh boy look how my son has grown! :D He is just the cutest baby in the world right?! 
Well  i have been having an itch to blog! So now that i have a little bit of time i decided to blog! Cuz i know you all missed my blog posts! :P 
          Well these past 7 weeks have been so amazing! I still can't believe that he is here, seeing him every day is the best feeling everrr! For all those Mom's out there you know what i'm talking about, and for all the new moms to come.. you will soon learn this amazing feeling! He is doing new things all the time! Newest thing he does how is smile! I LOOVEEE when he smiles really big! 
          So everyone always talks about how much sleep you will lose.. and how most babies will just cry all the time. Well at least that is what we have heard from some co-workers/friends. Well we have had some of that going on! But it really isn't all that bad! Honestly, sleeping is the last thing i care about. Which is totally not the way i used to be! Lol! I always wanted to sleep. But now the most important thing to me is spend as much time i can with my son! So i sleep when he sleeps..which is all the time! :P Except when he wakes up sometimes at 3 or 4 in the morning and wants to play ;) Its impossible to get mad when he wakes up crying and just wants to sit up and play.. its the cutest thing ever! 
           Well this past week was my first week back at work! Yuck! Let me just say for all you Moms out there that actually got to stay home with your babies,  i am jealous! You have no idea how good you have it!  I wish that i could afford not to work! Being away from him is the hardest thing right now! I've been dealing with it in my own way, but believe me it is hard!! I know that he is in good hands when I'm away at work, so that's a good thing! (: Thanks again Tracy! 
           So i had my six week check up last week! Nothing special there. Lol. But i am proud of myself for the weight that i am at! When you are pregnant, its okay to eat and to gain weight, but once you have that baby its hard to break those non stop eating habbits x). I am only 8 pounds away from the weight i was when i first found out i was pregnant! Thankk goooodness! My special diet lately has been.. Coca- cola and chocolateee.! Muahahah. I craved soda so much when i was pregnant it is all i want to drink! :P Some other things that changed after i had my baby is..i am always on time for things! I used to run late for everything.. if you know me well.. than you would totally agree! Everyone says you kind of have to be early because you have to get the baby ready and you ready, but that's not it. I'm actually on time for work everyday! :P And having time for me to get ready?! Please. There is no time for that. Lol all you moms who have longer hair and find time to do it, Kudos to you! I feel like shaving mine off! :P Another thing that changed is.. the way my clothes fit! i still fit into my 'regular' clothes, but not the way i used to! Recently i have been having the worse neck and back pain.. i am in more pain now than before i was pregnant or when i was pregnant! Pregnancy aged my  body i swear! Lol I also feel like I've lost my mind :P I forget things so easily now! I find myself writing little things down so i don't forget! When i was pregnant i read that your feet may grow well.. mine didnt :D They are now just skinner than before x).  
         Well today is my Saturday! So i am going to go finish hanging my Halloween decorations.. since i didn't get to it yesterday :P 
Have an awesome evening! 
'Till next time! 

                                                                 Happy October! 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Life after pregnancy! (:

                                               (Thank you Grandma Tracy for all the awesome pictures!)

                 Well hello world! I am of course back to the blogging business! i would like you all to meet our beautiful baby boy Tristan Brady Mulliner! We all finally got to see and meet the little baby that was growing inside my belly! He is the most perfect baby! He loves to snuggle up to everyone! He sleeps soooo much! and he has the cutest cry i have ever heard! He is already a week old! Time has just been flying by ever since he was born. Days just seem like they are getting shorter and shorter! i am so looking forward to watching him grow, although i dont think i will let him get any bigger! i want him to stay a little baby forever! ;] 

  Since i never got a chance to actually take my 37 week baby bump picture i do have a few i could use for my 37 week picture.. 

             Forgive me they aren't the best looking pictures of me but heyy, its something ;] i look so peaceful during labor right?!? That was my official last picture being pregnant! 

              Here is my story of how we ended up in the hospital, the day our baby was born. On August 17, 2012. I was sleeping and had been feeling these weird pains, but thought nothing of them and just kept going back to sleep. Until about 1:30a.m i finally got up  with severe pains. I wasn't sure if they were contractions or not.. (i'm a first time mom how am i supposed to know what they feel like!?) I had to get up and start walking around, there was no way that i would be able to just lay there while feeling these pains. I woke up Christian a few minutes later and told him that i was having pains, but wasn't sure if they were contractions. We started timing my contractions, and they were coming about every 7 minutes or so. So we called our mid-wife and another lady told Chris that i was in active labor if they were coming every 7 minutes. They were getting worse and worse but i still wasn't convinced that i was in labor. So we waited it out, until about 3:30a.m. I finally decided to go to the hospital, but i just kept thinking i hope this is real or else they are going to send me home. So we checked into the hospital they told me to get into a gown and we waited. While waiting i kept on getting the pains again, they seemed to be coming every 3 minutes. When the nurse finally came in i was dilated to a 2. Still 80 percent effaced. So the nurse told me that we would wait about 2 hours to see if i changed at all. So i decided to get up and start walking around to see if i would start dilating more. Chris and me walked in a square what seemed like a hundred times. Finally i just went back down to the room they had us in and i layed there. In horrible horrible pain. Two hours passed and when they came in to check me i was only dilated to a 2 and a half, 80 percent effaced. I was in shock, for as much pain as i was in i couldn't believe i wasn't dilated more. The nurse told us that since i wasn't dilating much than they were probably going to send us home..something i didn't want to happen. I was frustrated, so the nurse came back and said she was going to call our mid-wife and ask her if they should just send me home with some medicine. When she left the room to go call, it literally took TWO HOURS to call our damn mid-wife, I was so irritated at that point because nothing was helping these pains and they were taking their sweet time to let us know what was going to happen. I was doing everything i could to control the pain i was in, when finally a new nurse came in she told me she was going to check me to see if i had changed and if i didn't i would be going home. So she checked me, and i was dilated to a three! I was so happy i had changed in dilation. So the nurse said she was going to have to go check and see what they wanted to do now that i had changed. An hour later Chris went out to use the restroom and on the way back into our little room thingy, the nurse caught him and said that they were going to keep me for labor! When Chris came in to tell me the news i was sooooo excited! Minus all the pain i had been feeling. I still just couldn't believe i was in labor. Once they had moved us into labor and  delivery the contractions were non stop. By that time i was dilated to a five and 90 percent effaced. The pain was starting to get unbearable. I had told myself that i wasn't going to have an epidural, I honestly just don't agree with it, i believe that our bodies were made to give birth without any medicine..(Just my personal opinion.) Anyways the pain was just getting way to bad and i couldn't get myself to calm down and just let my body do what it was supposed too. I was so upset with myself when i finally broke down and got the medicine. Chris the whole time was saying just to get it because he couldn't watch me be that much pain. I knocked out once i got the epidural. (Hint the picture up top) When i woke up i was dilated to a 6 and i seemed to be at a 6 for awhile. But once we finally seen our mid-wife a few hours later i was relieved! She checked me and said "whoa" me and Chris just stared at her like what.. She said i was dilated to a 9 and a half 100 percent effaced! By this time there was not an ounce of epidural left in me. I was feeling everything, although i was in severe pain, i was actually glad i could feel everything in a way since i didn't want the medicine. Once it was time to push i was about to die. LOL but hey it was all worth it in the end! Because i got to finally meet our son! 

                   Life after baby has been born is wonferful! He is so perfect! Being a mom is the best thing in the world. That's all i care to be is a great mom to my wonderful boy! 
                  After i gave birth and had to get up and walk around, let me tell you.. seeing my belly without a baby in it is the weirdest feeling in the whole world. i miss having my son in my stomach more than anything. Which may be weird to some people because everyone is always so anxious to get their babies out and be able to snuggle them all up! I am glad he is here but i could have waited until 42 weeks and i would have been completely happy!:] Its been weird this last week with my "new" body. I was so used to having a big ol' belly, and constant rib pain ;] that i forgot what it was like to have a "normal" size belly again, and to be able to sit down for awhile without my rib hurting. It is also weird with eating because i have been so used to eating everything all day long lol and now im not so hungry, sounds weird but when you are used to something for so long it seems weird to have it all go back to the way it was. :P So to all the women that are pregnant now, enjoy every second of it because believe it or not you will miss it so much! 

Here are some pictures of our little munchkin within this past week <3
                                     ( His coming home outfit)

                                     ("Glowbaby" He had to be under a UV blanket for his jaundice)

                                             ( Our little caterpillar)

                                                     ( Angry faces while sleeping (;)

                                             ( LOL Sleeping with his mouth open.. like always :D)

                                           ( He loves all his aunties)

                I will be blogging more about our family life, just not every week like i have been while i have been pregnant. so if you would still like to read my blogs keep an eye out for newest posts!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

36 Weeks= 9 Months!

                     Baby this week is the weight of a crenshaw melon! Our baby is shedding most if the downy hair that covered its little body (:. Our Mid-wife has done an educated guess that the baby is about 7 pounds already! She also made and educated guess that we have a long baby! (again educated guess, doesn't mean its accurate.)

                      OMG. I am 36 weeks everybody!! As of today i have 23 days to go!!  Ooooo time is creeping on up to us! So excited to meet our little munchkin ;D. This week has been one heck of a week! Where should i even start.. hmm. how about the doctors appointment, yes? Okay.
                      So Tuesday we had our 36 week check up. They do the usual thing they always do. Take your weight.. -__- Which as of right now i am 170. I about died when i seen that number! But heeeeyyy im pregnant im allowed to be that weight! Might i add that they have to take a urine sample every time you go in there, and from all the times i have been in there now.. i have become a pro at peeing in a cup. LOL. My blood pressure and everything is good.. YES. Everything is looking good. My mid-wife checked me to see if i am dilating, its an uncomfortable procedure, let me tell you. Anyways good news! I am dilated to a... ONE. :D Yes i know a one isn't very much but hey it's something especially since i thought i wasn't going to be dilated at all. Also my cervix is 50% Softened. My mid-wife was surprised that it was softening, she said that usually first time mom's cervix's don't start softening for a while. So that was good news (: And again baby's head is fersure down! Also she did an educated guess on how long our baby might be based on what she can feel on the outside. She said the head is way down and the bum is up by my chest meaning somewhere in my back and ribs are the baby's legs and feet (:. I now have a check up every week.. can't believe how fast time is flying! This week i have been craving...icecream, If you haven't seen my facebook posts :P. Also i want to warn all the women who are pregnant and read my blog.. If you don't think that you need maternity clothes or you think that you are good without them.. let me tell you now that during your last month you WILL need them. I have grown so much i can't barely fit into anything -__- all my pants are so freaking tight! It hurts my belly to wear any of them.. i think i will be sticking to sweats and big shirts until i give birth. So excuse me if i don't look all that great sometimes :P I only have a few more weeks to enjoy being a whale.. so i will ;).
                      Today i got an awesome surprise! I was at work, and after lunch i was walking back on the floor and was talking to my manager she had told me i needed to go get some papers printed off and that she would grab them for me, but she wanted me to come with her.. so i start walking down the hall, and she walks into a completely different room with out any comnputers so i was just assuming that i follow her in there. As i walk in i see my co-workers and everyone yelled surprise. I was in shock! They had all gotten together to throw me a little baby shower at work! I seen flowers, a table cloth that said 'Tosha" on it, and a huge chocolate cake :D. there was also a vace with gift cards in it, a card with money in it, and a bag of baby stuff. I couldn't believe it. I honestly had no idea. I didn't think that they were going to do anything for me, let alone expect them to do anything. Lets just say i have some pretty awesome co-workers and managers! Thank you all so much for everything you guys gave me! It was over the top and very very nice!
                               ( i didnt get a picture of the room, but i did get a picture of the stuff they gave me)

Well that is all for this week!
Until next week!

Friday, August 3, 2012

35 weeks!

                 This week baby weighs the same as a Honeydew melon! This week it is just packing on the pounds. And that will be its main focus for the rest of the time in there ;D

                  This week i have been feeling good! Not to mention this is my last week being 8 months.. well last day being 8 months! ;) Starting yesterday i started getting some cramping, but nothing crazy. I have also been getting cramps today and the baby hasn't been moving as much as it usually does.. but hey! no body jump to conclusions just yet! (: My cravings this week are..drumstick icecream! Omg.. i could eat about 20 boxes and still want more :P I have also been wanting Sconecutter. If anybody is familiar with that place.. than you know why i am craving it! D: Its a pretty random craving.. seeing as i haven't ate it in years! I know of one that is close to my dad's house in Salt lake. So i texted him and told him that he needed to ship me some err else >;D But of course the food would be rotten by then -__-.  Other than the weird cramping and cravings everything has been going pretty awesome. (: I have been getting a lot of comments from people while im at work feeling bad for me for working and always being on my feet, i think that has become me new pet peeve. lol i hate when people feel "bad" for me just because im working and pregnant.I enjoy working, it keeps me busy and my feet are usually fine. (: Just thought i would vent about that since its really starting to bug me lol or when people say oh you must be due soon! Next time i'm going to tell someone actually im only 5 months along.. bahahaha. (: Well i better go check on my dinner before its burned. :P I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday and that is when she is going to check to see if i am diolating! So next week we will know more about whats going on with our baby! :D So until next time! Btw i am 36 weeks tomorrow... OMG ;D

until next week!



Friday, July 27, 2012

34 Weeeks!

                       This week baby could be up to 20 inches long and weigh about 5 pounds! Also this week baby's fingernails are so long it goes past it's tiny little fingers! Also this week baby's heartbeat was 130.
Good news! Baby is head down!(:

                   This week is week 34! well only for a few more hours. Tomorrow i will be 35 weeks! This week there has been so much going on that i haven't had the chance to update this sooner. We had a doctors appointment this week and everything is going good! She measured me, and pushed on my belly again to see if our baby is head down. It didnt hurt as bad as last time! But she did say that baby is head down!(: only 36 more days to go! Its coming up so fast! This week i have been pretty good. Besides today. it has just been one of those days. My rib has been killing me today! Yes baby is in there and im not complaining but its just been so hard today to work because of this pain. I can't take a deep breath without it hurting, bending over was like the worst thing on the planet. Especially when people have no respect for pregnant women and decided to throw everything all over the floor -__- Blah. So glad that today is over with so i can start fresh tomorrow! (: Hopefully with this pain gone.. but if not then i will just deal with it with a smile on my face!(: So everyone has been asking and saying 'oh i bet you are so ready for the baby to come out'. And my honest answer is no. lol Not that im scared of labor and delivery or anything like that. But i have just enjoyed having my baby living in my belly. I love watching it move around and kick me and feel its hiccups and everything that comes with being pregnant. I will be ready when the time comes, but until then i will enjoy having my baby in there, even though i'm always looking like a sweaty hot mess :P. I have started to get more and more uncomfortable and its hard to sit up right or to drive sitting with my back straight. This is just what happens the last few weeks of pregnancy i guess ;] This week i also washed all the baby clothes and got mostly everything set up! I will post pictures on here next week! of the crib and everything else(:
Well that is all for this week i am going to go lay down and make myself as comfortable as i can(:
until next week!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

33 weeeks!

                   This week baby is the size of a pineapple! Our baby approximately weighs 4 pounds, and over 17 inches long. Our baby's skeleton is hardening but will still stay soft enough to overlap eachother so it will be easier to be delivered! (: 

                This is week 33 people! I have been feeling great! Except the past couple days my body has been swelling, which hasn't happened since i was visiting Nevada, at least not my feet. I have been craving anything chocolate.. all the time! Which is horrible since it gives me ridiculous acid reflex.! :/ I have been feeling our baby 'roll' around in there literally! It rarely kicks little kicks anymore its always rolling, making huge moves in there! :P As i am getting closer to my due date i am starting to worry about every pain i get or if anything is a little off. New worries come along when your about to have a baby let me tell you! ;] We also set up our crib this week! Now its all becoming so real! :p
                  Well as everyone knows Christian and i got married this week <3. Weddings to some people are about how much money you spent on your dress, or how many people came, or what location you picked. All that 'regular' wedding stuff wasn't the way i had ever planned my wedding being. Our wedding was perfect in my eyes, yeah we didn't have the bright and shining sun in our faces, wedding bells, flying doves, yet none of that would have ever mattered, all that mattered at the moment was Christian. He is honestly my best friend. I'm so grateful for him, he is the man that i am supposed to be with until the end of time. He has so much patience and shows me the good in everything. He always knows how to put a smile on my face, and has been there for me from the beginning. Everyone says that when you 'find' the person your supposed to be with, you'll know, I can now tell you, i believe that.  We have been married for 4 four days and even though it felt like we were married before.. the feeling of actually being married to this amazing man is the best feeling in the whole world. <3 (I know this is all mushhy mushhyy stuff, but its all so true.;]) 

         I want to also say thank you to my new in-laws for making me feel so comfortable and part of your family! You guys rock! (:
          Also thank you mother for EVERYTHING you did for our wedding! We are so grateful! (: 
And to my WHOLE family now thank you all for sharing this precious moment with us! I love you all! 
         And to my new mother in law thank you for these awesome pictures! i know you are disappointed with them, but i honestly love them! You are such a great photographer! 

Well until next weeek!

-Tosha Mulliner

(bahah so weird, but so awesome!)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

32 weeks= 8 Months! :D

                      This week baby is the size of a Jicama! Tipping the scales at almost 4 pounds! Holyyyy cowww! (I remember when baby didn't even weigh a pound!). This week baby is practicing some more kicking around, inhaling, exhaling. Stuff like that (: Our baby's heartbeat this week was spiked up a little bit it was 159. Also another awesome fact this week is that our baby's skin is no longer see through! :D Our baby now has fat filling in his/her body so no more see through skin :D

           This is week 32 everyone! I am officailly 8 months pregnant! I can't believe it! Only 51 days to go! This week i have been...HOT! I swear i get random break outs of dying and start sweating like no other -__-. Oregon doesn't have like horrible heat like Nevada did, but its still heat not to mention i'm carrying a baby so that makes me feel even hotter! Its making me miserable! I woke up today from my nap literally dripping sweat! I've never wanted it to be winter so bad in my life :P I'm also very hormonal this week. Especially right now, but its because i am hot, my rib is bothering me, and my hands are so swollen today. I swear the baby has been loving that spot all day today. It just feels like an annoying little pain that won't go away, but its not like a hard sharp pain or anything like that. (: I could go on an on about everything that is wrong right now, but id rather not.. i'm sure that's not why people read this blog :P. This week i have just been craving KFC like some chicken. mashed potatoes, and hot sauce omg yum! ;] This week i can see the change in my face.. anyone else see it?! i also need to start wearing strechieeee pants! My jeans beside 2 pair are just too tight! 
             So this week we went to the doctor for my 32 week check up. I had to see a different midwife this time instead of the one i have been seeing for the past 2 weeks.. I don't necessarily "click" with her has i do the other mid-wife anyways she came in asked me how i was feeling and i told her about the pains that i had been experiencing a few weeks ago. She told me if i start feeling that pain again to call them and do everything i was doing last time. She also told me that if i was to start feeling those pains at 34 weeks and they weren't going away or if i started going into labor, they wouldn't stop my labor. In my mind i'm thinking 34 weeks.. uhh isn't that a little to soon?!? I guess i should have asked why they won't stop it but im pregnant my memory and train of thought is out the window :P So she went to listen for the baby's heartbeat (last time she tried to listen to our baby's heartbeat it moved away from her and wouldn't let her find him/her.) So she went to find the heartbeat and couldn't find anything and asked if i could feel where the baby was hiding so i pointed to the left side of my belly and she found it for a second and our baby moved away from her not to mention our baby kicked the heartbeat thingy lol. Everytime she would find our baby's heartbeat it would move away from her and kick her. It was the cutest thing ever.. Maybe our baby doesn't really "click:" with her either, or our baby just likes to play games with her :P. I also asked her while i was laying down if there was a way to feel my belly and see if she could feel if the baby's head was down. I read about it so i wanted to see if she could tell. Well that was a stupid question to ask.. She had to push really hard on my belly D: GAHHH  it hurt! She said that it was hard to tell because my belly was really hard.. like it always is lol. But she said she felt something hard in my pelvis... but wasn't sure if it was the head? So i don't really know what that means.. lol I hope our baby is head down, it has been like the whole time i've been pregnant so we'll see! She said she would check again once i am 36 weeks! So ill keep everyone updated. (:
              Some more news this week is that i am getting married on SUNDAY! (: Yes, this Sunday! We are getting married in Cannon Beach.. literally on the beach (:. A lot of people didn't realize or didn't know we were getting married so "soon" but this has been our set date since we got engaged, we just haven't really shared it with anyone. We are just have a small intimate wedding. So if you are confused why you didn't get an invitation, its because we didn't send any out :P I will no longer be Tosha Nester.. how weird?! :P I get to see my family though! My family will be flying up Saturday! Can't wait to see how my nephew likes Oregon! (: Maybe i can get them to move down here (; (kidding mom) 

Well i thought i would leave you with some old wives tells about baby gender.. because i thought they were funny. But i do know most of these that don't agree with people that have had a baby. :p

  •   If your baby is low and all out in front, then you are having a boy. If you carry your baby higher and you got wider with the pregnancy, then you are having a girl.
  • Hang your wedding band on a string of your hair, or on a string. Have someone stand over you and hold the ring directly over your belly. If the ring moves in a circle you are having a girl and if the ring sways back and forth you are having a boy.
  • The rate of the baby's heartbeat is also another popular baby gender predictor. This is one of the myths about baby gender prediction that often provides to be true. If the baby's heart rate is faster than 140 beats per minute, then you are sure to have a girl. If the average heart rate is below 140 beats per minute, it is said to be a boy.
  • If you have morning sickness that seems to last all day long and last for longer than your first trimester, then you are having a girl.
  • Some of the gender predictors have to deal with the way that the woman looks during pregnancy. Some supposed indicators of a girl are: round face, acne breakouts, the woman looks worse pregnant than she did when not pregnant, and her chest grows dramatically. Some supposed indicators that the baby will be a boy are: hair grows faster on the legs, her nose widens, feet are colder during pregnancy, and you have not had a dramatic growth spurt in the chest area.
  • if you can't get enough chocolate, you could be having a girl. Does the idea of drinking straight lemon juice sound delicious to you? Then those sour cravings are a result of the little boy inside of you.
  • If your husband puts on weight, then your having a boy. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

31 Weeks!

                            This week baby is the size of.. well... it didn't really compare it to one thing.. It compared the size of our baby with multiple things. like the size of a few well four navel oranges. Or a few bunches of asparagus lol. Our baby weighs about 3 pounds give or take. Also our baby's brain developing more and more, our baby can use all five senses! Our baby will also be sleeping a lot more..which i am starting to learn our little baby's sleeping habits (:

               Well here i am looking like a...cow. lol i hate this picture, but its the only i could use. My eyes don't even look open! But thats enough about complaining about the picture. :P Well this week is almost up for me! and then Saturday i will be 32 weeks. This week has been like the rest, but i have just been getting more uncomfortable. Sitting or standing doesn't matter which, seems to bother me just as much as the other. Laying down seems to be the only way for me to get comfortable, but not for that long :P. this week i still am craving chicken..everything chicken.('; SO in my last blog post i said i was nervous to be 30 weeks just because this is like the last ten weeks i have until our baby is here! Well.. i had an incident happen which makes me even more nervous about these last weeks! I started getting really bad pains in the lower part of my belly, while i was working. They were starting to be so strong that i had to lean against something or sit down. It was obvious to some of my co-workers that i had been feeling some pain, so i was advised to go call my mid-wife and ask her if everything was okay. I feel like i call about everything i feel because i don't know if it is something i should be feeling or not and i wasn'r sure if it was braxton hick contractions or what. Anyway i called and left a message waiting for them to call me back, and at my lunch hour i finally got a call. I was telling them about the pains that i had been feeling and that i had been drinking lots of water and that no matter what i did if i walked around, sat down, laid down, nothing seemed to make the pain stop. The nurse didn't seem to be able to tell me what exactly was going on, so that made me nervous. She told me she would call me back in about 20 minutes to let me know what the doctor had said. So i clock back on to work, waiting for the nurse to call me back. She called me back and told me that i needed to go home. She said that the way i had described everything sounded like i was having small contractions.. not braxton hick contractions. So i ended up going home and laying around the rest of the day, and the pains went away. Talk about freak out! lol it made me so nervous to feel those pains, just because i know that this baby needs to stay in there for a couple more weeks! (: Anyway that was my scary experience. 
                  There was also some other stuff that i had been going through with my health. A few weeks ago i was scheduled to take the gestational diabetes test like everyone has to when there pregnant. Well when i got the results back.. they weren't good. My glucose levels were a little over the normal. So for the past few weeks I've been pretty upset about maybe having gestational diabetes. They told me that i needed to call this number and take a 3 hour gestational diabetes test to make sure the first test was accurate. So two weeks ago i went in to take the 3 hour test but ended up getting really sick from the drink they make you drink, so i couldn't finish the test. Well this last Tuesday i went in to re take the test again. Longest 3 hours of my life let me tell you! I got poked six times to take blood, two of those six times they couldn't get a good vein to give them any blood -__-. So i sat there for 3 hours waiting, starving, and feeling crappier than ever. I just kept thinking that if i have gestational diabetes, I'm going to be so upset. I know having it isn't the end of the world, but just the thought bothered me because i have done some changing in my life style so i don't harm my baby and to have gestational diabetes.. would just suck. Well once the test was all over she said i would be getting the results soon, and not to worry. Well today i got an e-mail about my results... I DO NOT HAVE GESTATIONAL DIABETES! :DDD 
I could just jump for joy! lol I'm so relieved i don't have it. Its like the best news ever! (:

Well that is all for this week. i hope everyone had an awesome fourth of July! 
Until next week!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

30 weeeks!

                    Baby this week is the size of a large green cabbage! About 17 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds!(Going by the book  of course.. doesn't mean our baby is exactly that size). Also this week our baby's brain is starting to develop! It can also regulate it's temperature also, so its little fuzzy hair stuff that has been all over is now starting to fade away! (: Baby's heartbeat is 141 and is measuring right on! (:

                  Well everyone here we are.. week 30! Only 10 more weeks to go! well.. not really 10 since i will be 31 weeks on Saturday! :D. This week i have been feeling good! Minus the constant hot flashes that seem to come whenever they want -___- It is getting more and more uncomfortable to sit for a long period of time because my rib starts to get a pain or the top of my belly starts to fall asleep like i have mentioned before. So sorry if my blogs get shorter and shorter. :P This week i haven't really had any cravings, just chicken! And since i can eat it now without throwing up.. its all i seem to want! Chicken and a nice cold fountain drink coke! OMG YUM! But hey i have gone this long without soda.. whats a few more weeks! The past few nights have been a pain for me to sleep.. from the leg cramps..to the stupid pain i have in my arm from sleeping on it weird..to the weird dreams.. and christian hogging the bed.. LOL Its almost impossible to get a good nights rest, but i manage(; Geeez its taking me like a life time to write this dang blog.. because this belly :P. I have noticed this week that it is starting to get harder and harder for me to do things that i used to be able to do no problem.. for example.. anything to do with bending over, forget about it. lol I haven't had to big of a problem with it before, but now i just stare at whatever is on the floor that i need and wish it would pick itself up.. or i wish my shoes would just jump on my feet and tie themselves!
                          Well last week i said i was nervous to finally be 30 weeks.. and here is why. The thought that i have to give birth in just a few short weeks is starting to make me nervous.. no im not nervous about the pain that everyone talks about..but just nervous on how everything will go. I watched a movie the other day.. well documentary on being pregnant in America and they go around and ask people a bunch of questions. It actually amazed me how many people were worried about the pain they were going to feel, more then anything else. I mean these people are crazy! Your baby is what you should be most excited for, yes there is pain but that shouldn't be the main thing everyone talks about while pregnant. I mean hello! You created a life, and will finally be able to hold your baby. Pain is just something that happens to come along with it.

Well that is all for this week.. i know short, sweet, and to the point.
I will be sure to update this blog next week sooner then Thurday! (:
Hope everyone has a great night.. as for me.. i am going to get Christian from work..
and then cook some dinner. :D
Until next time.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

29 weeks! Happy First Day of Summer!

                          Well hello there baby bump. This week our baby is the size of a butternut squash!
Our baby is about 3 inches away from where it will be at when it is born! Our baby also weighs about 3 pounds and will double, almost triple in weight in the next 11 weeks! Baby will no longer be giving me those soft kicks, it is starting to get all cramped up in there and will now throw me and elbow, or knee depending on which isn't comfortable! :p Our baby's bones are starting to harden, and its lungs are fully developed even though baby has a lot of growing to do still!

                      So here i am at week 29 guys! 11 more weeks to goooooo! This week i have been feeling much better with my hormones than i have.. i seem to think that i have them under control.. at least for now (; I havent't been feeling to uncomfortable with anything just yet, i mean i get the occasional rib pain, and the top of my belly falling asleep, but its tolerable. I seem to be sleeping fine as long as i don't take naps during the day, when i need to sleep early that night. This week i keep on seeing our baby move! I am determined to record it.. so everyone can see how amazing and weird it is! feeling my baby move is one thing, but to actually see it move your belly around is just like the coolest thing everrr! ;D I was telling Christian last night that i wish he could feel how awesome it feels.. even though it looks creepy :PThis week the only thing that i have been wanting is anything sweet.. which i need to lay off the sweets, because of some news that i was given D: something i don't really want to share with the world just yet. I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday next week for my 30 week check up! AHHHH 30 weeks already?!?! i dont know about all of you, but this pregnancy is just flying by! Im nervous to be 30 weeks.. but i will explain more about that in my next week blog, (:

                               This past Saturday was mine and Christian's two year anniversary! 
We didn't do much, but we were more about spending time together at our new apartment than going out on an expensive fancy date :P. These past two years have been the best. I swear Christian just always knows how to put a smile on my face and make me the happiest person in the world.. even when he makes me mad ;]. I know i have told you this already, but thank you Christian for always being there for me and making me the happiest person on this planet! <3

                           I know i said i would post pictures of our new place on my blog.. but i want to wait until it is all decorated cute.. so you all don;t look at it thinking i am a plain Jane. ;] It has defiantly been a change living with just me and Christian. Its always so quiet.. well at least for now :P. And one thing i miss i having a dog greet you as you walk in the door. I have dogs in all the house that i have lived in so not having a dog here is different.. but i will soon have a baby i get to see everyday :D. i love our little apartment, and knowing that all this space is ours:P

                  Well i leave you with a picture.. because i feel like all the pictures i post of myself on here are never all that cute.. plus i felt like taking a picture :P
 Until next week!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

28 weeks! = 7 MONTHS (:

                  Baby this week is the size of a Chinese cabbage, and weighs about 2 and a half pounds! Baby can now open its eyes in there! Blinking away that baby is (;. Baby this week is making mommy uncomfortable, sitting and pinching every nerve in my body, but hey i still love my baby! Baby's heartbeat is still at 140, and is doing great!

                  This is my 28th week! I am now 7 months pregnant, and starting my 3rd trimester! Only 80 more days to go! My last update i had it all confused with how long i had i have 80 days, 12 weeks, so roughly three months left to go! All depends on my baby and when it wants to come out! 
                   This past week has been the start to my uncomfortable-ness of pregnancy. I officially can't sit normal for long periods of time.. i need to lean back while i sit or else the top part of my belly starts to fall asleep, which is a feeling of numbness. So while i am typing this blog i am trying to make it fast so i can lay down and relax this belly of mine :P. My hormones are out of control this past week, and well there is nothing i can really do about them, besides go with the flow. So if i'm having an off day.. well i will apologize now. (: I haven;t been having any cravings this week just anything i can get my chubby little hands on lol. Especially anything sweet! I have been having some what of a sweet tooth! I have been feeling the baby move more and more, those awesome hard kicks right to my bladder are the best ;] I enjoy feeling the baby move and watching my belly move as the baby kicks. Its so crazy.. the past few times Christian has laid on my belly the baby always kicks him. like he's taking up all its space. lol its so cute. This week i also had a doctors appointment which is why i waited so long to update my blog. I had on yesterday. I had to take the gestational diabetes test. The drink that i had to drink was the orange flavor.. now everyone i have heard from says the drinks is nasty that it is so syrupy and sugary, or it made them really sick. Well it was really sugary and syrupy, but it actually didn't bother me. I liked it. It reminded me of drinking a soda, in which i have been craving, but can't drink. So i actually enjoyed it. (: 
                     This past week also was mine and Christian's baby shower! :D It was such a blast to go down to Nevada and see all of our family! When we sent out the invitations we had asked everyone to wear either pink or blue depending on what they thought the baby was going to be..
             These are the shirts that me and christian decided to wear. He is totally sure its a girl, me on the other hand, i decided to wear blue based on my first instinct when i seen our baby in the ultra sound for the first time.. but to be 100 honest.. i have no idea what i think the baby will be :P. We got loads of stuff from all the people who came out to our baby shower! Thank you to everyone who attended! My sister and mom did an awesome job throwing it. I loved all the food and company! We got to spend so much time with both sides of our family. I loved being able to see my nephew and spend time with him. I must say being an aunt is a pretty awesome thing! My nephew is like my mini best friend.. yes he may only be 2 and a half years old.. but he is the best! And so so smart. My sister and Ismael are doing such an awesome job raising him! 
               Well this week has just been full of excitement! And to add in something else exciting! Me and Christian are moving in to our own apartment on Friday! Yes, this Friday! :D Our officially first apartment together! We are so excited! I will post pictures of it on my next blog!

                        This week, well yesterday was my mothers birthday! 

              I know you can see just our eyes of the next picture.. but i wanted to post it like this so..there.
I know she had a good birthday, because i just know these things. (: But Mom your present is going to be so late.. D:. I had some cake yesterday for your birthday also. Thank you Grandma Anderson for having my mother, and thank you mother for having me, because if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be here today and neither would this little baby in my belly!(: i love you even though we get irritated with eachother (:. lol
         Well this is all for this week. Next week is only a few more days away! 
Until next time.


Monday, June 4, 2012

27 weeks!

(Stare at my belly, not my face..;])

So this week baby is the size of a cauliflower! I know I know a cauliflower isn't nearly as long as an English cucumber (last week) but this week it is going from the whole 2 pounds my baby weighs! 
Also baby could be up to 15 inches long! I personally don't think that baby is that long, but who knows :p
Our baby has more taste buds now then it will have when it is born! Baby can "taste" the food i eat based on the amniotic fluid. It changes based on what i eat.. So anything spicy baby can taste and may respond.. and our baby does! [;

This is week 27 the last and final week of six months, and the last and final week of my second trimester! Can you believe it?! I sure and the heck can't! Time is just slipping away. This week is the first time i have woken up with....SWOLLEN FEET! and let me tell you that is not something to look forward to when you are pregnant! I was so exhausted that day, so it was making my feet feel ten times worse! But you know.. when your having a 'bad' day or things just aren't going your way, and you just want to go home and go back to sleep and start the day all over.. well that is how i felt and then...i felt my baby kick and my day instantly got better and it got me through the day! It is amazing what feeling your baby move can do to your mood! And might i add.. my baby is a moving machine! :D 

I can't believe that i am going to be seven months next week! These past sixth months have been the most amazing six month of my life! Yes, i haven't had that long of a life, but so far it is amazing. Carrying a baby.. a human life, is such a blessing and is the most amazing thing that you can experience in a women's life. ( That is my opinion at least) I Love our little baby and in 2 months and 5 days..89 days.. our baby's due date will be  here, and hopefully so will our baby! That's if baby is 'on time' (;
We are flying out tomorrow to good ol' Mesquite, Nevada. Where we will have our baby shower on the 6th and my soon to be sister in law will be graduating on the 7th! I am so excited to see everyone! Especially the most amazing little baby (not a baby anymore, but i still like to think) my nephew Wyett! He is so excited also! I have missed my nephew so much! Yes, mom and Tieara i have missed you too (; I also get to see my dad this week! It will be awesome to spend some time with everyone and go swimming in 120 degree weather. :P

Well i guess i better go start packing.. until next week! (:


Monday, May 28, 2012

26 Weeks!

                         Baby this week is the size of an English cucumber. Our baby is still inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid. Baby is also continuing to put on fat! Weighing in at about a pound and a half to two pounds! Baby this week may also start to open its eyes! There is really nothing to look at in there, but that is okay! (:

              I am 26 weeks now.. and it felt like just yesterday i updated my week 25 blog.. so weird :P. This week my cravings have been bean and cheese burritos! with lots and lots of hot sauce :D. This week and last week i have been feeling the baby's hand or foot on the lower part of my belly! I feel like this lump and then i touch it and it kicks me and moves its little hand or foot. It feels so weird, but so awesome! Not a whole lot has been going on with me this week, everything has pretty much been the same as last week. Although this week i have been getting pretty bad migraines. So bad that it has been messing with my vision. But i haven't had one as bad today which is nice, so hopefully they stay away! This week i have also been feeling really moody.. in like every way possible. It will pass like it always does, but it does suck. Dang hormones!  Well i'm having a really hard time writing this blog because my mind is on a thousand things. Next weeks blog will be better i swear! ;] and it will be my last week being six months! :D 
until next timee.. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

25 Weeks!

                 Baby this week is the size of an eggplant! About nine inches and almost a pound and a half!
Our baby this week is also just movin and grovin inside there! It makes me laugh when it kicks me non-stop! I love it. This week our baby's nostrils have opened up in there! They have been closed up
until now, so baby is practicing breathing through it's nose!(: Also our baby is starting to look more "pink" not because baby is getting too hot in there, but because more and more blood vessels are forming! 

                This week is week 25! I only have 14 weeks and 4 days left! I must say when people started finding out that i was pregnant, some said it would feel like forever and some would say it will fly by.. i have decided that it flies right on by! I can't believe that i don't have that much longer left! Some of you are probably thinking..14 weeks and 4 days, 102 days, that's a long time. If only you knew how fast it has gone already 102 days is nothing! (: 
                So on the 16th we had our doctors appointment! Well mid-wife appointment lol. This time it was a whole new mid-wife. Her name is Holly! She is very blunt and says it how it is, which i love. But at the same time it was hard for me to "warm" up to her and i think it is because i was so used to my old mid-wife Megan, but we had asked what happened to her and found out that maybe it is a good thing that we don't have her anymore. Even though she rocked! So my weight gain is perfect they said! i weight 145 now! Which is weird because I'm at the weight that i was when we moved to Oregon, and i feel so much bigger! She gave me the drink i need to drink for my next appointment to check and see if i have gestational diabetes, kind of scared to drink it :P We started getting ready to leave and started walking out and Holly called us back in, we forgot to listen to baby's heartbeat! So we went back in there and she got the little dobbler thingy out, put it on my belly, and for a second there me and Christian had a heart attack! lol we couldn't hear the heartbeat at first, but that because she wasn't on the right spot. We finally found it and i got a sharp kick on my left side and baby's heartbeat was harder to hear. I was laughing and told Holly that the baby had moved and i pointed right where the baby was and there the heartbeat was again stronger than ever! Nut the baby was trying to move away again lol baby doesn't like when that thing is all up in its space :P It was so cute. I love our little baby! 
                This week my cravings have been..buffalo sauce.. :D and shrimp! I also wanted Watermelon and sour cream yesterday... but i didn't even try it. I was to scared too lol. I have been sleeping better, feeling more and more tired at night. Baby is still laying on my nerve, and enjoying it :] Even though it makes me miserable. my feet haven't been swelling, but i have felt a slight swelling in my hands. Also while i was at work my stomach had gotten really hard and a weird pain, not something i couldn't bear of course, but enough to know it was a pain lol. It might have a Braxton-Hick contraction? But who knows. It hasn't happened since. (: Well that is all for this week! 
Until next week..


Sunday, May 13, 2012

24 Weeks!


                    Baby this week is the size of an ear of a corn, my baby book says baby is too big to compare to fruits now :p. Baby has gained about four ounces since last week.Also baby's brain is growing quickly now and taste buds are continuing to develop. Baby's lungs are now starting to develop. Our baby's little face is basically fully formed, eyebrows, eyelashes, and everything! :p 

                    First things first, Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there! (:
Today has been on heck of a day! So glad i am home relaxing with my fiancĂ©! So i read today that at 24 weeks my uterus is the size of a soccer ball! Thats huge! well at least to me.. and it is about to get a whole lot bigger! This week i have been feeling pretty darn good! Just super hungry all the time. I can feel the pounds starting to pack on! D: But hey! its all part of pregnancy! I haven't had any cravings, just been eating what i eat. I also read that eating the same thing every day isn't all that healthy for the baby? Apparently you need to have a variety of food you eat. Which for lunch i eat the same thing everyday.. peanut butter sammiches! :D i figure i have a wide variety of food everyday, that eating the same thing for lunch will be okay! I can defiantly feel a difference in my belly this week, i am feeling loads bigger. Sleeping is still a challenge, just been sleeping with my elmo body pillow and two other pillows under me and to the sides of me! That's my comfortable way of sleeping :p. I can feel the baby move more and more. I love feeling my baby move around! It just makes me feel that much better, and gives me a sense of calmness, because i worry sometimes on how the baby is doing so when i feel baby move it is just like a reassurance that everything is going okay(: My regular clothes are starting to get to tight and uncomfortable! Like this for example, this evening i go to button a pair of pants and they wouldn't even button! i was laughing because i know that this is supposed to be happening, so i don't get discouraged about it, but it's not just those pants.. its all my jeans! Looks like i will be wearing my comfy black preggo pants everywhere i go :],
Well  i keep on getting distracted by the tv, the new episode of sister wives is on tonight! :D
So im catching up on the older episodes (: 
Also i have a doctors appointment on Wednesday so my next week blog will give more about how much i have gained and everything else that they do there! So that will be on the next blog! 
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. and hope everyone is looking forward to Monday just as much as i am..because its my FRIDAY :D

Until next week!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

23 weeks = 6 months!

      Baby this week is sixth months growing!;) can you believe it?! Baby can now feel the movement of my body!  Baby's ears have also fully developed! Baby is weighs over a pound now,  and will double the size in just 4 weeks! Baby's skin is all saggy at this stage and still transparent, but then again baby is still growing! 

      Week 23.. six months in.. I can't freaking believe it! ;D only 3 more months to go! Isn't that crazy?! I love waking up on Saturdays knowing im another week further! Its like waking up on christmas morning, you know that feeling when you wake up and your all excited to see what santa has brought you.. yeah I get that feeling every SaturdayThis week so far is going good, im feeling good! Minus I feel more and more hungry!  But it seems like im more hungry at work then I am at home.. hmm maybe I need to pack a bigger lunch;p. Baby once in a while still lays on my nerve, but once I start talking to baby and rubbing my belly the pain goes away. (It must be baby's way of wanting some attention :) ) my cravings this week are still the same it's been.. hotdogs and spaghetti! And the occasional craving for icecream! Sleeping is getting more and more harder but I've figured a way to get comfortable finally so I should be okay for awhile!;) my secret to being comfortable while I sleep.. PILLOWS..LOTS AND LOTS OF PILLOWS ;). i've gotten the occasional lower back pain, nothing out pf control though (: well I don't have much for this week, nothing much has been going on! But I can tell you that I have a doctors appointment on the 16th! So ill have more to write then;) until then folks! (:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

22 weeks!

                    Baby this week weighs ONE POUND! can you believe it?! I can't(; Baby also is nearly if not already eight inches long. About the size of a small doll, or spaghetti squash! Baby is more than likely grabbing the umbilical cord since there is not much to grab in there :P Baby can also hear outside noises now! Baby can finally here Daddy! (: and any other sound there is to hear! How cool is that! 

                 This week is week 22 of being pregnant and let me tell you, the day i was 22 weeks i had Charley horses all up my leg.  Not like calf cramps, but full on charley horses on the upper part of my leg. Well they were getting really intense to where it was becoming hard to walk. I didn't think anything of it that day i just went home and laid around and they soon went away. So the next morning i get up everything is fine i go to work like normal and then BAM, i have a horrible pain in the upper part of my leg and it was making its way up to my pelvic area and sometimes my stomach. It wasn't a charley horse feeling it was different. So since this is my first pregnancy and i don't know what is normal or what is supposed to be happening to my body, so i was freaking out. I told my manager about the pain and she told me to go ahead and call the doctor and see what they say. I went to grab my phone to call my midwife and then remembered i no longer have the same midwife as i had started with :/ we got a phone call last week from the clinic and the front desk lady told us that Megan (our old midwife) no longer works at that clinic. She had asked us if we were willing to switch to Holly or go to some guy doctor, but i chose to stay with a midwife. So now Holly is my new midwife, which i haven't met yet. Anyways back to my story...
I called the clinic asked to speak with Holly and the guy on the line said it would take about 20 minutes for her to call back. So i sat in the break room for about five minutes and my phone rang. It was Holly! I told her about the pain i had been having and told her im freaking out because i don't know if this is 'normal'. Well guess what.. it is! The reason for my pain is because the baby has found a nerve and is enjoying laying on it! That is the reason why i have been having charley horses and the other weird pain that day. I couldn't believe it! There is really no way to get the baby to move off the nerve unless you do something that would make the baby move. So i just dealt with the pain all day at work. It became more tolerable since i had known what the pain was and could relax about it. (: That was my adventure for this week so far :P I can feel the baby moving more and more. Today i was sitting up with a water bottle and a poptart on my belly and then the baby kicked so hard it was moving the poptart and water bottle! I also put some music up to my belly and the baby moved! It is so awesome that baby can hear things other than my voice and heartbeat!(: My cravings this week have been...Hotdogs! ohh my have i wanted hotdogs! but not just any hotdogs..the gas station kind! I also have just been wanting to eat anything and everything.. so next time i go to the doctors im sure i will have gained more weight by then :P 

Well i am off to eat some dinner and watch 'Lost: with Christian(:
Hope everyone is having a happy Sunday!
Until next week!

P.s. Surprised this blog is actually on time?!.. Mee too ;)