This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Thursday, July 5, 2012
31 Weeks!
This week baby is the size of.. well... it didn't really compare it to one thing.. It compared the size of our baby with multiple things. like the size of a few well four navel oranges. Or a few bunches of asparagus lol. Our baby weighs about 3 pounds give or take. Also our baby's brain developing more and more, our baby can use all five senses! Our baby will also be sleeping a lot more..which i am starting to learn our little baby's sleeping habits (:
Well here i am looking like a...cow. lol i hate this picture, but its the only i could use. My eyes don't even look open! But thats enough about complaining about the picture. :P Well this week is almost up for me! and then Saturday i will be 32 weeks. This week has been like the rest, but i have just been getting more uncomfortable. Sitting or standing doesn't matter which, seems to bother me just as much as the other. Laying down seems to be the only way for me to get comfortable, but not for that long :P. this week i still am craving chicken..everything chicken.('; SO in my last blog post i said i was nervous to be 30 weeks just because this is like the last ten weeks i have until our baby is here! Well.. i had an incident happen which makes me even more nervous about these last weeks! I started getting really bad pains in the lower part of my belly, while i was working. They were starting to be so strong that i had to lean against something or sit down. It was obvious to some of my co-workers that i had been feeling some pain, so i was advised to go call my mid-wife and ask her if everything was okay. I feel like i call about everything i feel because i don't know if it is something i should be feeling or not and i wasn'r sure if it was braxton hick contractions or what. Anyway i called and left a message waiting for them to call me back, and at my lunch hour i finally got a call. I was telling them about the pains that i had been feeling and that i had been drinking lots of water and that no matter what i did if i walked around, sat down, laid down, nothing seemed to make the pain stop. The nurse didn't seem to be able to tell me what exactly was going on, so that made me nervous. She told me she would call me back in about 20 minutes to let me know what the doctor had said. So i clock back on to work, waiting for the nurse to call me back. She called me back and told me that i needed to go home. She said that the way i had described everything sounded like i was having small contractions.. not braxton hick contractions. So i ended up going home and laying around the rest of the day, and the pains went away. Talk about freak out! lol it made me so nervous to feel those pains, just because i know that this baby needs to stay in there for a couple more weeks! (: Anyway that was my scary experience.
There was also some other stuff that i had been going through with my health. A few weeks ago i was scheduled to take the gestational diabetes test like everyone has to when there pregnant. Well when i got the results back.. they weren't good. My glucose levels were a little over the normal. So for the past few weeks I've been pretty upset about maybe having gestational diabetes. They told me that i needed to call this number and take a 3 hour gestational diabetes test to make sure the first test was accurate. So two weeks ago i went in to take the 3 hour test but ended up getting really sick from the drink they make you drink, so i couldn't finish the test. Well this last Tuesday i went in to re take the test again. Longest 3 hours of my life let me tell you! I got poked six times to take blood, two of those six times they couldn't get a good vein to give them any blood -__-. So i sat there for 3 hours waiting, starving, and feeling crappier than ever. I just kept thinking that if i have gestational diabetes, I'm going to be so upset. I know having it isn't the end of the world, but just the thought bothered me because i have done some changing in my life style so i don't harm my baby and to have gestational diabetes.. would just suck. Well once the test was all over she said i would be getting the results soon, and not to worry. Well today i got an e-mail about my results... I DO NOT HAVE GESTATIONAL DIABETES! :DDD
I could just jump for joy! lol I'm so relieved i don't have it. Its like the best news ever! (:
Well that is all for this week. i hope everyone had an awesome fourth of July!
Until next week!
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