This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Monday, October 8, 2012
Yes, I'm still blogging! (:
Boy oh boy look how my son has grown! :D He is just the cutest baby in the world right?!
Well i have been having an itch to blog! So now that i have a little bit of time i decided to blog! Cuz i know you all missed my blog posts! :P
Well these past 7 weeks have been so amazing! I still can't believe that he is here, seeing him every day is the best feeling everrr! For all those Mom's out there you know what i'm talking about, and for all the new moms to come.. you will soon learn this amazing feeling! He is doing new things all the time! Newest thing he does how is smile! I LOOVEEE when he smiles really big!
So everyone always talks about how much sleep you will lose.. and how most babies will just cry all the time. Well at least that is what we have heard from some co-workers/friends. Well we have had some of that going on! But it really isn't all that bad! Honestly, sleeping is the last thing i care about. Which is totally not the way i used to be! Lol! I always wanted to sleep. But now the most important thing to me is spend as much time i can with my son! So i sleep when he sleeps..which is all the time! :P Except when he wakes up sometimes at 3 or 4 in the morning and wants to play ;) Its impossible to get mad when he wakes up crying and just wants to sit up and play.. its the cutest thing ever!
Well this past week was my first week back at work! Yuck! Let me just say for all you Moms out there that actually got to stay home with your babies, i am jealous! You have no idea how good you have it! I wish that i could afford not to work! Being away from him is the hardest thing right now! I've been dealing with it in my own way, but believe me it is hard!! I know that he is in good hands when I'm away at work, so that's a good thing! (: Thanks again Tracy!
So i had my six week check up last week! Nothing special there. Lol. But i am proud of myself for the weight that i am at! When you are pregnant, its okay to eat and to gain weight, but once you have that baby its hard to break those non stop eating habbits x). I am only 8 pounds away from the weight i was when i first found out i was pregnant! Thankk goooodness! My special diet lately has been.. Coca- cola and chocolateee.! Muahahah. I craved soda so much when i was pregnant it is all i want to drink! :P Some other things that changed after i had my baby is..i am always on time for things! I used to run late for everything.. if you know me well.. than you would totally agree! Everyone says you kind of have to be early because you have to get the baby ready and you ready, but that's not it. I'm actually on time for work everyday! :P And having time for me to get ready?! Please. There is no time for that. Lol all you moms who have longer hair and find time to do it, Kudos to you! I feel like shaving mine off! :P Another thing that changed is.. the way my clothes fit! i still fit into my 'regular' clothes, but not the way i used to! Recently i have been having the worse neck and back pain.. i am in more pain now than before i was pregnant or when i was pregnant! Pregnancy aged my body i swear! Lol I also feel like I've lost my mind :P I forget things so easily now! I find myself writing little things down so i don't forget! When i was pregnant i read that your feet may grow well.. mine didnt :D They are now just skinner than before x).
Well today is my Saturday! So i am going to go finish hanging my Halloween decorations.. since i didn't get to it yesterday :P
Have an awesome evening!
'Till next time!
Happy October!
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I can't believe he's already that old! He's sweet, Tosha! :)