This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
28 weeks! = 7 MONTHS (:
Baby this week is the size of a Chinese cabbage, and weighs about 2 and a half pounds! Baby can now open its eyes in there! Blinking away that baby is (;. Baby this week is making mommy uncomfortable, sitting and pinching every nerve in my body, but hey i still love my baby! Baby's heartbeat is still at 140, and is doing great!
This is my 28th week! I am now 7 months pregnant, and starting my 3rd trimester! Only 80 more days to go! My last update i had it all confused with how long i had i have 80 days, 12 weeks, so roughly three months left to go! All depends on my baby and when it wants to come out!
This past week has been the start to my uncomfortable-ness of pregnancy. I officially can't sit normal for long periods of time.. i need to lean back while i sit or else the top part of my belly starts to fall asleep, which is a feeling of numbness. So while i am typing this blog i am trying to make it fast so i can lay down and relax this belly of mine :P. My hormones are out of control this past week, and well there is nothing i can really do about them, besides go with the flow. So if i'm having an off day.. well i will apologize now. (: I haven;t been having any cravings this week just anything i can get my chubby little hands on lol. Especially anything sweet! I have been having some what of a sweet tooth! I have been feeling the baby move more and more, those awesome hard kicks right to my bladder are the best ;] I enjoy feeling the baby move and watching my belly move as the baby kicks. Its so crazy.. the past few times Christian has laid on my belly the baby always kicks him. like he's taking up all its space. lol its so cute. This week i also had a doctors appointment which is why i waited so long to update my blog. I had on yesterday. I had to take the gestational diabetes test. The drink that i had to drink was the orange flavor.. now everyone i have heard from says the drinks is nasty that it is so syrupy and sugary, or it made them really sick. Well it was really sugary and syrupy, but it actually didn't bother me. I liked it. It reminded me of drinking a soda, in which i have been craving, but can't drink. So i actually enjoyed it. (:
This past week also was mine and Christian's baby shower! :D It was such a blast to go down to Nevada and see all of our family! When we sent out the invitations we had asked everyone to wear either pink or blue depending on what they thought the baby was going to be..
These are the shirts that me and christian decided to wear. He is totally sure its a girl, me on the other hand, i decided to wear blue based on my first instinct when i seen our baby in the ultra sound for the first time.. but to be 100 honest.. i have no idea what i think the baby will be :P. We got loads of stuff from all the people who came out to our baby shower! Thank you to everyone who attended! My sister and mom did an awesome job throwing it. I loved all the food and company! We got to spend so much time with both sides of our family. I loved being able to see my nephew and spend time with him. I must say being an aunt is a pretty awesome thing! My nephew is like my mini best friend.. yes he may only be 2 and a half years old.. but he is the best! And so so smart. My sister and Ismael are doing such an awesome job raising him!
Well this week has just been full of excitement! And to add in something else exciting! Me and Christian are moving in to our own apartment on Friday! Yes, this Friday! :D Our officially first apartment together! We are so excited! I will post pictures of it on my next blog!
This week, well yesterday was my mothers birthday!
I know you can see just our eyes of the next picture.. but i wanted to post it like this so..there.
I know she had a good birthday, because i just know these things. (: But Mom your present is going to be so late.. D:. I had some cake yesterday for your birthday also. Thank you Grandma Anderson for having my mother, and thank you mother for having me, because if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be here today and neither would this little baby in my belly!(: i love you even though we get irritated with eachother (:. lol
Well this is all for this week. Next week is only a few more days away!
Until next time.
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