This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Sunday, April 29, 2012
22 weeks!
Baby this week weighs ONE POUND! can you believe it?! I can't(; Baby also is nearly if not already eight inches long. About the size of a small doll, or spaghetti squash! Baby is more than likely grabbing the umbilical cord since there is not much to grab in there :P Baby can also hear outside noises now! Baby can finally here Daddy! (: and any other sound there is to hear! How cool is that!
This week is week 22 of being pregnant and let me tell you, the day i was 22 weeks i had Charley horses all up my leg. Not like calf cramps, but full on charley horses on the upper part of my leg. Well they were getting really intense to where it was becoming hard to walk. I didn't think anything of it that day i just went home and laid around and they soon went away. So the next morning i get up everything is fine i go to work like normal and then BAM, i have a horrible pain in the upper part of my leg and it was making its way up to my pelvic area and sometimes my stomach. It wasn't a charley horse feeling it was different. So since this is my first pregnancy and i don't know what is normal or what is supposed to be happening to my body, so i was freaking out. I told my manager about the pain and she told me to go ahead and call the doctor and see what they say. I went to grab my phone to call my midwife and then remembered i no longer have the same midwife as i had started with :/ we got a phone call last week from the clinic and the front desk lady told us that Megan (our old midwife) no longer works at that clinic. She had asked us if we were willing to switch to Holly or go to some guy doctor, but i chose to stay with a midwife. So now Holly is my new midwife, which i haven't met yet. Anyways back to my story...
I called the clinic asked to speak with Holly and the guy on the line said it would take about 20 minutes for her to call back. So i sat in the break room for about five minutes and my phone rang. It was Holly! I told her about the pain i had been having and told her im freaking out because i don't know if this is 'normal'. Well guess what.. it is! The reason for my pain is because the baby has found a nerve and is enjoying laying on it! That is the reason why i have been having charley horses and the other weird pain that day. I couldn't believe it! There is really no way to get the baby to move off the nerve unless you do something that would make the baby move. So i just dealt with the pain all day at work. It became more tolerable since i had known what the pain was and could relax about it. (: That was my adventure for this week so far :P I can feel the baby moving more and more. Today i was sitting up with a water bottle and a poptart on my belly and then the baby kicked so hard it was moving the poptart and water bottle! I also put some music up to my belly and the baby moved! It is so awesome that baby can hear things other than my voice and heartbeat!(: My cravings this week have been...Hotdogs! ohh my have i wanted hotdogs! but not just any hotdogs..the gas station kind! I also have just been wanting to eat anything and everything.. so next time i go to the doctors im sure i will have gained more weight by then :P
Well i am off to eat some dinner and watch 'Lost: with Christian(:
Hope everyone is having a happy Sunday!
Until next week!
P.s. Surprised this blog is actually on time?!.. Mee too ;)
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Great update! Did you midwife mention sciatic nerve? I'm guessing that is the nerve you little one insists on playing with! You will probably experience this again :(. Hang in there, the out come is way worth it! love you! see you in a couple of weeks :)