

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

19 weeks!

Sooooo... This week is going to be a little different! We were unable to take a picture due to all the craziness but I figured you would all like to read my blog even if there isn't a picture. Am I right err am I right?!;)

Baby this week is the size of a large heirloom tomato! Or a large mango. It is about six inches long! And weighs about a half a pound! How cute ^.^ it is also surrounded by vernix caseosa which is compared to grease and it covers the baby so that baby doesn't come out all wrinkled up:p.

This week even though I'm almost on to the next week I have been feeling pretty hmm... Emotional. I feel like I am the needy-est person in the world! I also feel like I cry over everything even if it's nothing...oh pregnancy!;) my feet have hurting more and more. I can see them starting to swell already. I have been feeling little 'pops' is what I call them in my belly which I'm assuming is the baby's movement. Still can't wait until I can't really feel it kick or have the hiccups :D I have been craving a lot of spaghetti and garlic bread. I always want spaghetti! Which is funny because I don't really like italian food (: I also eat a lot of cheese and pickles. I'm kinda hoping that I get a really weird random craving just because it would make me feel even more pregnant lol. Note that I am doing this blog from our iPad because Christians computer isn't working all that great so sorry it's kind of plain.. This has just been one crazy week so far had an interesting Easter and have been working my butt off and finally today and tomorrow are my day off but today did I get to sleep in.. No :( butt I am pleased to announce that me and Christian finally got a car! 2012 Hyundai accent brand stinkin new ! What a relief it was to finally have a nice reliable car! We are so excited :D sorry that was a bit off baby talk but it's just so exciting(: back to baby we have a doctors appointment on Monday can't believe I will already be half way through my pregnancy! Nineteen weeks and definatly showin it! My belly is getting bigger and more out there but not crazy big. I actually feel small compared to other people I have seen who are nineteen weeks, but hey as long as baby is growing good I could careless how massive i get(: I have a lot of people asking if we know the sex of the baby yet.. No. And we won't know until that baby pops out:p I love to hear people's guesses though on why they think it is going to be a boy or a girl. We always ask my nephew Wyett if his cousin is going to be a boy or a girl and he always says 'it's a girl cuz I'm a boy' lol he's just the cutest! Also I was told Christians nephew (which will soon really be nephew too) (; says Emma all the time and he's only six months! Lol such cuties. Well I'm off to go read my book I checked out from the library I must have forgotten how much I loved to read, the second I walked into the library I feel in love with it all over again. (:
Hope you all have a nice Tuesday evening! And as for my dad..

P.s see you in four days mother (:

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