This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
21 Weeks!
Here i am at 21 weeks! Can you believe it?! 'Cuz i sure in the heck can't! :D
Baby this week is sensitive to touch. It can feel me rubbing my belly and may respond to my touch by kicking me! Baby is now "practicing" to breath inside its cozy home! Baby is the size of a carrot. Well the length anyway (: Baby will now be measuring from head to toe no longer head to bum! So keep that in mind! Baby can feel the umbilical cord now, and will be experimenting with whatever else it may be able to feel in there!
This week I feel good! A little tired here in there, but other than that i have been feeling great! Not to mention.. I CAN FEEL THE BABY MOVE! :DD Yes, thats right! i can feel the little kicks! No, i dont feel little flutters or popping. It honestly feels like baby is hitting my guts! :P When I'm laying down on my back i can feel it really well. I don't lay on my back to much because your not supposed to when your pregannt so when i do its just to see if i can feel baby moving.(: I felt baby move two days ago. I was laying propped up reading my pregnancy book with my hand on my belly and BAM i felt a kick! I started laughing, and thinking is that my baby and then BAM there it was again. I felt it kick three big kicks and i about died! It feels so cool! I just want to feel its every movement all the time. Even though as i get further along baby's movement will get stronger and baby might be all up in my ribs i can't wait. (; I was worried for awhile there thinking i wasn't going to be feeling baby move for a while, but now i can feel it! Ive been feeling little kicks here and there now. I notice them a lot more. Once i am relaxed with my feet up i can feel them really well. (: So my cravings this week are spaghetti! Well anything that is Italian anyway. So it still hasn't changed much. Although yesterday i did crave those Hostess cherry and apple pie thingys that are like a dollar. I couldn't believe i wanted one! I used to hate hate hate them when i was smaller and then BAM i wanted it! I still want soda, and chicken, and of course a rockstar. :P but those cravings are just going to have to wait until September!
So this week a lot more people have found out that i am pregnant of course none of them came up to me and asked me they asked some co-workers first. Even if they did ask me themselves it wouldn't bother me because i am pregnant, but then again if i wasn't and they asked i guess i might take that the wrong way.. lol. I have been told by a lot of people that i look so small for being as far as i am. I just laugh. I may be small, but my baby is growing and everything is going great! So I'm okay with having a "smaller" belly then most people that are pregnant at this stage. Although the time in my life where i am aloud to be big and i'm not makes me laugh! For like the first time in my life i could care less what my body looks like. Most of my life i have always thought i was "bigger" whatever that means now days, but lately my body image doesn't bug me. I don't know why it did in the first place now that i look back on some pictures! :P I have heard of a lot of women who don't feel comfortable about the way they look while they are pregnant and don't feel pretty. I am glad i haven't felt that way! I mean ALL pregnant women are beautiful! So if your pregnant and not feeling all that pretty, believe me, YOU are. (: So now that it is starting to warm up in Oregon all i want to do is going swimming! I am dying for a swimming pool. I never took advantage of the swimming pools in Mesquite! We have a swimming pool in our apartment complex, but it doesn't open up until probably June! :( But hopefully when i go to Mesquite in June i will be able to go swimming and my nephew will be able to go with me! :D Okay so there are is no Air Conditioning in Oregon. No, im not over exaggerating they seriously don't have a/c in any apartments, no houses, even the stores don't have them. Well unless they install it themselves, but most places don't have it. We noticed this when we first moved here that there was just a heater, so we thought it obviously doesn't get to hot here if they don't need A/C. Well anyways the only reason why i decided to share that there is no A/C is because for the past two days it has been beautiful outside! All sunny no clouds, people walking around in shorts and tanks (Everyone here has legs as white as mine, so i fit right in.) So my work doesn't have any A/C and it got to about a whopping 80 degrees out.. well it was about 90 in my work and not to mention when your pregnant your temperature rises and i was having a hot flash! I swear i was about to die! I have no idea how my sister and Katie both got through pregnancy in Mesquite! I was dying here and Mesquite is like 20 times hotter! Although it is starting to warm up and i may be constantly sweaty and hot. It is sure nice to go outside and enjoy the sun! (: I love spring and summer!
Well i guess that is all for this week! I am going to go enjoy my day off reading my new book and movies i have checked out from the library and then go to bed early because i work at 4! D: Hope you are all having an awesome Tuesday! Until next week.. (;
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cute update! Love the pic! Your little belly is so dang awesome! take care & i'll see you soon. Love ya!