This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Sunday, April 29, 2012
22 weeks!
Baby this week weighs ONE POUND! can you believe it?! I can't(; Baby also is nearly if not already eight inches long. About the size of a small doll, or spaghetti squash! Baby is more than likely grabbing the umbilical cord since there is not much to grab in there :P Baby can also hear outside noises now! Baby can finally here Daddy! (: and any other sound there is to hear! How cool is that!
This week is week 22 of being pregnant and let me tell you, the day i was 22 weeks i had Charley horses all up my leg. Not like calf cramps, but full on charley horses on the upper part of my leg. Well they were getting really intense to where it was becoming hard to walk. I didn't think anything of it that day i just went home and laid around and they soon went away. So the next morning i get up everything is fine i go to work like normal and then BAM, i have a horrible pain in the upper part of my leg and it was making its way up to my pelvic area and sometimes my stomach. It wasn't a charley horse feeling it was different. So since this is my first pregnancy and i don't know what is normal or what is supposed to be happening to my body, so i was freaking out. I told my manager about the pain and she told me to go ahead and call the doctor and see what they say. I went to grab my phone to call my midwife and then remembered i no longer have the same midwife as i had started with :/ we got a phone call last week from the clinic and the front desk lady told us that Megan (our old midwife) no longer works at that clinic. She had asked us if we were willing to switch to Holly or go to some guy doctor, but i chose to stay with a midwife. So now Holly is my new midwife, which i haven't met yet. Anyways back to my story...
I called the clinic asked to speak with Holly and the guy on the line said it would take about 20 minutes for her to call back. So i sat in the break room for about five minutes and my phone rang. It was Holly! I told her about the pain i had been having and told her im freaking out because i don't know if this is 'normal'. Well guess what.. it is! The reason for my pain is because the baby has found a nerve and is enjoying laying on it! That is the reason why i have been having charley horses and the other weird pain that day. I couldn't believe it! There is really no way to get the baby to move off the nerve unless you do something that would make the baby move. So i just dealt with the pain all day at work. It became more tolerable since i had known what the pain was and could relax about it. (: That was my adventure for this week so far :P I can feel the baby moving more and more. Today i was sitting up with a water bottle and a poptart on my belly and then the baby kicked so hard it was moving the poptart and water bottle! I also put some music up to my belly and the baby moved! It is so awesome that baby can hear things other than my voice and heartbeat!(: My cravings this week have been...Hotdogs! ohh my have i wanted hotdogs! but not just any hotdogs..the gas station kind! I also have just been wanting to eat anything and everything.. so next time i go to the doctors im sure i will have gained more weight by then :P
Well i am off to eat some dinner and watch 'Lost: with Christian(:
Hope everyone is having a happy Sunday!
Until next week!
P.s. Surprised this blog is actually on time?!.. Mee too ;)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
21 Weeks!
Here i am at 21 weeks! Can you believe it?! 'Cuz i sure in the heck can't! :D
Baby this week is sensitive to touch. It can feel me rubbing my belly and may respond to my touch by kicking me! Baby is now "practicing" to breath inside its cozy home! Baby is the size of a carrot. Well the length anyway (: Baby will now be measuring from head to toe no longer head to bum! So keep that in mind! Baby can feel the umbilical cord now, and will be experimenting with whatever else it may be able to feel in there!
This week I feel good! A little tired here in there, but other than that i have been feeling great! Not to mention.. I CAN FEEL THE BABY MOVE! :DD Yes, thats right! i can feel the little kicks! No, i dont feel little flutters or popping. It honestly feels like baby is hitting my guts! :P When I'm laying down on my back i can feel it really well. I don't lay on my back to much because your not supposed to when your pregannt so when i do its just to see if i can feel baby moving.(: I felt baby move two days ago. I was laying propped up reading my pregnancy book with my hand on my belly and BAM i felt a kick! I started laughing, and thinking is that my baby and then BAM there it was again. I felt it kick three big kicks and i about died! It feels so cool! I just want to feel its every movement all the time. Even though as i get further along baby's movement will get stronger and baby might be all up in my ribs i can't wait. (; I was worried for awhile there thinking i wasn't going to be feeling baby move for a while, but now i can feel it! Ive been feeling little kicks here and there now. I notice them a lot more. Once i am relaxed with my feet up i can feel them really well. (: So my cravings this week are spaghetti! Well anything that is Italian anyway. So it still hasn't changed much. Although yesterday i did crave those Hostess cherry and apple pie thingys that are like a dollar. I couldn't believe i wanted one! I used to hate hate hate them when i was smaller and then BAM i wanted it! I still want soda, and chicken, and of course a rockstar. :P but those cravings are just going to have to wait until September!
So this week a lot more people have found out that i am pregnant of course none of them came up to me and asked me they asked some co-workers first. Even if they did ask me themselves it wouldn't bother me because i am pregnant, but then again if i wasn't and they asked i guess i might take that the wrong way.. lol. I have been told by a lot of people that i look so small for being as far as i am. I just laugh. I may be small, but my baby is growing and everything is going great! So I'm okay with having a "smaller" belly then most people that are pregnant at this stage. Although the time in my life where i am aloud to be big and i'm not makes me laugh! For like the first time in my life i could care less what my body looks like. Most of my life i have always thought i was "bigger" whatever that means now days, but lately my body image doesn't bug me. I don't know why it did in the first place now that i look back on some pictures! :P I have heard of a lot of women who don't feel comfortable about the way they look while they are pregnant and don't feel pretty. I am glad i haven't felt that way! I mean ALL pregnant women are beautiful! So if your pregnant and not feeling all that pretty, believe me, YOU are. (: So now that it is starting to warm up in Oregon all i want to do is going swimming! I am dying for a swimming pool. I never took advantage of the swimming pools in Mesquite! We have a swimming pool in our apartment complex, but it doesn't open up until probably June! :( But hopefully when i go to Mesquite in June i will be able to go swimming and my nephew will be able to go with me! :D Okay so there are is no Air Conditioning in Oregon. No, im not over exaggerating they seriously don't have a/c in any apartments, no houses, even the stores don't have them. Well unless they install it themselves, but most places don't have it. We noticed this when we first moved here that there was just a heater, so we thought it obviously doesn't get to hot here if they don't need A/C. Well anyways the only reason why i decided to share that there is no A/C is because for the past two days it has been beautiful outside! All sunny no clouds, people walking around in shorts and tanks (Everyone here has legs as white as mine, so i fit right in.) So my work doesn't have any A/C and it got to about a whopping 80 degrees out.. well it was about 90 in my work and not to mention when your pregnant your temperature rises and i was having a hot flash! I swear i was about to die! I have no idea how my sister and Katie both got through pregnancy in Mesquite! I was dying here and Mesquite is like 20 times hotter! Although it is starting to warm up and i may be constantly sweaty and hot. It is sure nice to go outside and enjoy the sun! (: I love spring and summer!
Well i guess that is all for this week! I am going to go enjoy my day off reading my new book and movies i have checked out from the library and then go to bed early because i work at 4! D: Hope you are all having an awesome Tuesday! Until next week.. (;
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
20 weeks!
I am Blogging from my phone so bare with me! I have no idea what the final out come will look like:p good I hope!:)
Baby this week is moving around! Although I still can't feel baby! My midwife said that I probably can't feel babys little movements because the uterus has now moved back and my placenta is sitting as a cushion between me and baby. But I have felt little ones here and there(: This week in my book all it talks about is how if its a girl her uterus has formed and if its a boy the testies have begun to descend from the abdomen. Also our baby weighs about 11 ounces! Our ultrasound lady told us:D.
So this week I am 20 weeks! Already half way done! Can you believe it?!? I can't either! Seems like yesterday we had just found out! (; this week has been so awesome! Saturday baby had to let me know it was one week older of course;) but my nausea has basically gone away. I haven't really been craving anything this week just enjoying anything I eat(: like the twp bags of takis.. bahaha. I now weigh 140! Half way through my pregnancy and I've gained 4 pounds. Maybe ill be lucky and just have it all be belly and not gain weight in every part of my body;). Lol I am measuring right on and our midwife told us that the baby is doing basically perfect!:D that's what we like to hear! So while we were at our ultra sound the second we walked into the room I made sure to tell the ultrasound lady that we didn't wanna know what the sex of our baby was, so chris, my mom, and I all turned our heads when she would tell us not to look. I didn't even think twice. I guess a lot of people say they don't want to know and the second they get the chance too they cave in, but hey we stayed strong and didn't peek!;) even my mom did good and she's dying to know;). We got to watch our baby move around on there it waved to us the second baby got on the screen it turned around and waved ;) just like the first time! We also got to see its little bootie! Bahaha baby is just so cute! Now that I am half way there I am getting more and more anxious! But im real excited to feel the big movements and watch baby move across my belly! So as anxious as I am too meet our beautiful baby I can wait a while longer! Having my mom in town was so awesome! It was nice to see a familiar face again! She bought us a car seat that carries baby from new born all the way up too 3 years old! She also bought some elmo onesies :D anyone who knows me knows my baby will have Elmo;) she also bought baby a piggy bank and bought me an outfit! She's the best. Thank you mom for everything! Im not sure how this whole Blogging on my phone is gonna show the pictures but somewhere on here is a picture of all the stuff(: and our baby!
Well thanks for reading once again! And I know im falling behind with the blogs but don't lose faith in mule just yet! I promise there will be a blog every week even if it is late;)
Have a nice night everyone :D
im going to go watch netflix with my christian!:)
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
19 weeks!
Baby this week is the size of a large heirloom tomato! Or a large mango. It is about six inches long! And weighs about a half a pound! How cute ^.^ it is also surrounded by vernix caseosa which is compared to grease and it covers the baby so that baby doesn't come out all wrinkled up:p.
This week even though I'm almost on to the next week I have been feeling pretty hmm... Emotional. I feel like I am the needy-est person in the world! I also feel like I cry over everything even if it's nothing...oh pregnancy!;) my feet have hurting more and more. I can see them starting to swell already. I have been feeling little 'pops' is what I call them in my belly which I'm assuming is the baby's movement. Still can't wait until I can't really feel it kick or have the hiccups :D I have been craving a lot of spaghetti and garlic bread. I always want spaghetti! Which is funny because I don't really like italian food (: I also eat a lot of cheese and pickles. I'm kinda hoping that I get a really weird random craving just because it would make me feel even more pregnant lol. Note that I am doing this blog from our iPad because Christians computer isn't working all that great so sorry it's kind of plain.. This has just been one crazy week so far had an interesting Easter and have been working my butt off and finally today and tomorrow are my day off but today did I get to sleep in.. No :( butt I am pleased to announce that me and Christian finally got a car! 2012 Hyundai accent brand stinkin new ! What a relief it was to finally have a nice reliable car! We are so excited :D sorry that was a bit off baby talk but it's just so exciting(: back to baby we have a doctors appointment on Monday can't believe I will already be half way through my pregnancy! Nineteen weeks and definatly showin it! My belly is getting bigger and more out there but not crazy big. I actually feel small compared to other people I have seen who are nineteen weeks, but hey as long as baby is growing good I could careless how massive i get(: I have a lot of people asking if we know the sex of the baby yet.. No. And we won't know until that baby pops out:p I love to hear people's guesses though on why they think it is going to be a boy or a girl. We always ask my nephew Wyett if his cousin is going to be a boy or a girl and he always says 'it's a girl cuz I'm a boy' lol he's just the cutest! Also I was told Christians nephew (which will soon really be nephew too) (; says Emma all the time and he's only six months! Lol such cuties. Well I'm off to go read my book I checked out from the library I must have forgotten how much I loved to read, the second I walked into the library I feel in love with it all over again. (:
Hope you all have a nice Tuesday evening! And as for my dad..
P.s see you in four days mother (:
Monday, April 2, 2012
18 weeks= 5 MONTHS (:
Baby this week is about the size of a bell pepper about 5 and a half inches long, and about 5 ounces in weight (Generally speaking.) Some more skills that baby is learning how to do well is hiccup and yawn! Which i could start feeling anytime soon. Our baby is now one of a kind! ;) (As if it wasn't already) Baby now has its one fingerprint on its fingers and toes! How exciting!
This week i am 18 weeks! Oh how the time is flying. This week i have been craving a lot of salad Caesar salad to be exact. (without the chicken) ;] I have also been craving a lot of shrimp and shrimp cocktail sauce! But when i went to see my mid-wife i totally forgot to ask her if i am aloud to eat shrimp. Christian tells me no, which is because he doesn't like seafood at all. My craving for soda still hasn't gone away either!:P I started getting my leg cramps last night... and yes they really suck! I couldn't even get comfortable last night what so ever! Baby must have not wanted me to get any sleep ;] I can for sure feel i difference in my stomach now before i didn't feel my stomach was getting to much bigger, but now i feel it. When i wake up in the morning i feel my belly and get so excited that there is a little human being growing in there! Baby can hear my heartbeat and voice now, so i talk to it all day long. :P I get a lot of different weird feelings in my belly some of them i wonder if its the baby moving or not. Everyone i have talked to says it feels like a flutter which im sure i have felt, but i wouldn't describe it as a flutter its a feeling that is unexplainable for me. I am waiting until the movements get stronger so i can for sure identify them as movements and not some random feeling (: I remember looking at some pictures of people who are eighteen weeks pregnant thinking there is no way that my belly is going to grow that big in two weeks. Boy was i wrong. Its amazing how fast your belly grows. I have been looking forward to this part since the day we found out! Having a pregnant belly definitively makes you feel different. I guess this is the month that all the weird things start happening to your body such as: Skin color changes that can happen to your belly or face, you belly button will start poking out, your gums are more sensitive and will bleed while brushing your teeth due to a lot of blood in your system from baby, leg cramps, and FOOT GROWTH! Yeah foot growth! i had no idea that your feet grow during pregnancy! That is like the weirdest that i have ever heard lol! And i don't mean get wider from the swelling i mean get bigger as in go up a size! I hope i don't end up having some weirdo clown feet! Pregnancy changes your body in so many ways its amazing. I have still been getting my round ligament pain which i wish they would go away, but since my uterus is growing its still going to be pulling on those ligaments so i guess i have to deal with it a little longer. I also read that i should start feeling some lower back pain. Not to excited about that one, but pain is pain and i'll get through it for my baby! (:
Well im sure this is the latest i have stayed up in months.. seems like once the clock hits eight or eight thirty i am soo exhausted and tired. Makes me feel like an old lady :P I am going to go get some food to eat and hang out with Christian since its my FRIDAY! :D I have a much needed and deserved two days off!(;
Untill next time!