

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

                 Lets start of today's post with some tricks that i have learned. shall we?

  • Using a smaller plate will trick the mind into thinking there is more food, and limits the amount of food you can put on it. [That doesn't mean go back for seconds ;)]
  • Drink lots of water.. all day long. 
  • Vegetables will be your best friend.
  • Eat all day long...Small meals of course! 
  • Prepare meals.. by this i mean, get your breakfast lunch and dinner ready! 
  • eat BREAKFAST..not eating after an hour of waking up will lower your metabolism.
  • Get your butt up and get movin' your not going to lose weight just sitting around (although i wish i could!)  

                     Honestly, these are just some things that i keep in mind through out the day.. doesn't mean that i have followed them every second!  Like eating breakfast..ehh.. I'm not a big breakfast eater, but if it helps hey, lets give it a try. And by try i dont mean go out and grab the biggest most greasiest thing you can find! Lately I have just been having a nutri-grain bar. they are only about 120 Cals each! Not the best thing i guess, but when i am in a hurry grabbing something to go is just what i need..Which leads to preparing meals.. Its so easy to pick something up while you are out, that preparing meals actually helps fight the urge to go get something! My schedule is all over the place, and i have learned that preparing meals sucks. Ha. Lately i have just been cutting up some veggies and taking those and calling it good! But i do occasionally have to pick something up, and i try to find something not so darn high in calories! Soon.. I will be doing a weekly weigh in.. i mean i do it anyway, but i will be posting it on my blog, to keep track of my progress if any. This week I've done OKAY not the best but better than i thought i would! My goal calorie intake is 1260 and thats in order to lose 1 pound each week! I usually always have one day a week that is my cheat day. I know I know.. a cheat day. Well thats the one day i dont have to feel guilty about eating what my little heart desires ;) although, having a cheat day you realize how shitty things make you feel. for example, your eating good and healthy all week, your cheat day comes around and you decide you want a soda. After drinking that soda you now get to feel huge and bloated for the rest of the day. Ugh nastiest feeling, I swear! So, what i have learned from cheat days is.. soon enough I'm not going to need one, but for now i do! 

                       I haven't really thrown myself into full gear yet. I have been waiting for one last kick of motivation..which should arrive today. My green tea! Something about that stuff just makes me excited to get movin'. I have been doing good with my coffee intake! I have only had it 2 times this week.. last week i only had it 4 which is better then 7 ;) I might have one today since I no longer will have one for quite some time! Well, im off to go clean some house, do some laundry, and hang out with my babe until work! But i will leave you with this...

Small changes to make a difference in your health :)

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