This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Friday, July 27, 2012
34 Weeeks!
This week baby could be up to 20 inches long and weigh about 5 pounds! Also this week baby's fingernails are so long it goes past it's tiny little fingers! Also this week baby's heartbeat was 130.
Good news! Baby is head down!(:
This week is week 34! well only for a few more hours. Tomorrow i will be 35 weeks! This week there has been so much going on that i haven't had the chance to update this sooner. We had a doctors appointment this week and everything is going good! She measured me, and pushed on my belly again to see if our baby is head down. It didnt hurt as bad as last time! But she did say that baby is head down!(: only 36 more days to go! Its coming up so fast! This week i have been pretty good. Besides today. it has just been one of those days. My rib has been killing me today! Yes baby is in there and im not complaining but its just been so hard today to work because of this pain. I can't take a deep breath without it hurting, bending over was like the worst thing on the planet. Especially when people have no respect for pregnant women and decided to throw everything all over the floor -__- Blah. So glad that today is over with so i can start fresh tomorrow! (: Hopefully with this pain gone.. but if not then i will just deal with it with a smile on my face!(: So everyone has been asking and saying 'oh i bet you are so ready for the baby to come out'. And my honest answer is no. lol Not that im scared of labor and delivery or anything like that. But i have just enjoyed having my baby living in my belly. I love watching it move around and kick me and feel its hiccups and everything that comes with being pregnant. I will be ready when the time comes, but until then i will enjoy having my baby in there, even though i'm always looking like a sweaty hot mess :P. I have started to get more and more uncomfortable and its hard to sit up right or to drive sitting with my back straight. This is just what happens the last few weeks of pregnancy i guess ;] This week i also washed all the baby clothes and got mostly everything set up! I will post pictures on here next week! of the crib and everything else(:
Well that is all for this week i am going to go lay down and make myself as comfortable as i can(:
until next week!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
33 weeeks!
This week baby is the size of a pineapple! Our baby approximately weighs 4 pounds, and over 17 inches long. Our baby's skeleton is hardening but will still stay soft enough to overlap eachother so it will be easier to be delivered! (:
This is week 33 people! I have been feeling great! Except the past couple days my body has been swelling, which hasn't happened since i was visiting Nevada, at least not my feet. I have been craving anything chocolate.. all the time! Which is horrible since it gives me ridiculous acid reflex.! :/ I have been feeling our baby 'roll' around in there literally! It rarely kicks little kicks anymore its always rolling, making huge moves in there! :P As i am getting closer to my due date i am starting to worry about every pain i get or if anything is a little off. New worries come along when your about to have a baby let me tell you! ;] We also set up our crib this week! Now its all becoming so real! :p
Well as everyone knows Christian and i got married this week <3. Weddings to some people are about how much money you spent on your dress, or how many people came, or what location you picked. All that 'regular' wedding stuff wasn't the way i had ever planned my wedding being. Our wedding was perfect in my eyes, yeah we didn't have the bright and shining sun in our faces, wedding bells, flying doves, yet none of that would have ever mattered, all that mattered at the moment was Christian. He is honestly my best friend. I'm so grateful for him, he is the man that i am supposed to be with until the end of time. He has so much patience and shows me the good in everything. He always knows how to put a smile on my face, and has been there for me from the beginning. Everyone says that when you 'find' the person your supposed to be with, you'll know, I can now tell you, i believe that. We have been married for 4 four days and even though it felt like we were married before.. the feeling of actually being married to this amazing man is the best feeling in the whole world. <3 (I know this is all mushhy mushhyy stuff, but its all so true.;])
I want to also say thank you to my new in-laws for making me feel so comfortable and part of your family! You guys rock! (:
Also thank you mother for EVERYTHING you did for our wedding! We are so grateful! (:
And to my WHOLE family now thank you all for sharing this precious moment with us! I love you all!
And to my new mother in law thank you for these awesome pictures! i know you are disappointed with them, but i honestly love them! You are such a great photographer!
Well until next weeek!
-Tosha Mulliner
(bahah so weird, but so awesome!)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
32 weeks= 8 Months! :D
This week baby is the size of a Jicama! Tipping the scales at almost 4 pounds! Holyyyy cowww! (I remember when baby didn't even weigh a pound!). This week baby is practicing some more kicking around, inhaling, exhaling. Stuff like that (: Our baby's heartbeat this week was spiked up a little bit it was 159. Also another awesome fact this week is that our baby's skin is no longer see through! :D Our baby now has fat filling in his/her body so no more see through skin :D
This is week 32 everyone! I am officailly 8 months pregnant! I can't believe it! Only 51 days to go! This week i have been...HOT! I swear i get random break outs of dying and start sweating like no other -__-. Oregon doesn't have like horrible heat like Nevada did, but its still heat not to mention i'm carrying a baby so that makes me feel even hotter! Its making me miserable! I woke up today from my nap literally dripping sweat! I've never wanted it to be winter so bad in my life :P I'm also very hormonal this week. Especially right now, but its because i am hot, my rib is bothering me, and my hands are so swollen today. I swear the baby has been loving that spot all day today. It just feels like an annoying little pain that won't go away, but its not like a hard sharp pain or anything like that. (: I could go on an on about everything that is wrong right now, but id rather not.. i'm sure that's not why people read this blog :P. This week i have just been craving KFC like some chicken. mashed potatoes, and hot sauce omg yum! ;] This week i can see the change in my face.. anyone else see it?! i also need to start wearing strechieeee pants! My jeans beside 2 pair are just too tight!
So this week we went to the doctor for my 32 week check up. I had to see a different midwife this time instead of the one i have been seeing for the past 2 weeks.. I don't necessarily "click" with her has i do the other mid-wife anyways she came in asked me how i was feeling and i told her about the pains that i had been experiencing a few weeks ago. She told me if i start feeling that pain again to call them and do everything i was doing last time. She also told me that if i was to start feeling those pains at 34 weeks and they weren't going away or if i started going into labor, they wouldn't stop my labor. In my mind i'm thinking 34 weeks.. uhh isn't that a little to soon?!? I guess i should have asked why they won't stop it but im pregnant my memory and train of thought is out the window :P So she went to listen for the baby's heartbeat (last time she tried to listen to our baby's heartbeat it moved away from her and wouldn't let her find him/her.) So she went to find the heartbeat and couldn't find anything and asked if i could feel where the baby was hiding so i pointed to the left side of my belly and she found it for a second and our baby moved away from her not to mention our baby kicked the heartbeat thingy lol. Everytime she would find our baby's heartbeat it would move away from her and kick her. It was the cutest thing ever.. Maybe our baby doesn't really "click:" with her either, or our baby just likes to play games with her :P. I also asked her while i was laying down if there was a way to feel my belly and see if she could feel if the baby's head was down. I read about it so i wanted to see if she could tell. Well that was a stupid question to ask.. She had to push really hard on my belly D: GAHHH it hurt! She said that it was hard to tell because my belly was really hard.. like it always is lol. But she said she felt something hard in my pelvis... but wasn't sure if it was the head? So i don't really know what that means.. lol I hope our baby is head down, it has been like the whole time i've been pregnant so we'll see! She said she would check again once i am 36 weeks! So ill keep everyone updated. (:
Some more news this week is that i am getting married on SUNDAY! (: Yes, this Sunday! We are getting married in Cannon Beach.. literally on the beach (:. A lot of people didn't realize or didn't know we were getting married so "soon" but this has been our set date since we got engaged, we just haven't really shared it with anyone. We are just have a small intimate wedding. So if you are confused why you didn't get an invitation, its because we didn't send any out :P I will no longer be Tosha Nester.. how weird?! :P I get to see my family though! My family will be flying up Saturday! Can't wait to see how my nephew likes Oregon! (: Maybe i can get them to move down here (; (kidding mom)
Well i thought i would leave you with some old wives tells about baby gender.. because i thought they were funny. But i do know most of these that don't agree with people that have had a baby. :p
- If your baby is low and all out in front, then you are having a boy. If you carry your baby higher and you got wider with the pregnancy, then you are having a girl.
- Hang your wedding band on a string of your hair, or on a string. Have someone stand over you and hold the ring directly over your belly. If the ring moves in a circle you are having a girl and if the ring sways back and forth you are having a boy.
- The rate of the baby's heartbeat is also another popular baby gender predictor. This is one of the myths about baby gender prediction that often provides to be true. If the baby's heart rate is faster than 140 beats per minute, then you are sure to have a girl. If the average heart rate is below 140 beats per minute, it is said to be a boy.
- If you have morning sickness that seems to last all day long and last for longer than your first trimester, then you are having a girl.
- Some of the gender predictors have to deal with the way that the woman looks during pregnancy. Some supposed indicators of a girl are: round face, acne breakouts, the woman looks worse pregnant than she did when not pregnant, and her chest grows dramatically. Some supposed indicators that the baby will be a boy are: hair grows faster on the legs, her nose widens, feet are colder during pregnancy, and you have not had a dramatic growth spurt in the chest area.
- if you can't get enough chocolate, you could be having a girl. Does the idea of drinking straight lemon juice sound delicious to you? Then those sour cravings are a result of the little boy inside of you.
- If your husband puts on weight, then your having a boy.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
31 Weeks!
This week baby is the size of.. well... it didn't really compare it to one thing.. It compared the size of our baby with multiple things. like the size of a few well four navel oranges. Or a few bunches of asparagus lol. Our baby weighs about 3 pounds give or take. Also our baby's brain developing more and more, our baby can use all five senses! Our baby will also be sleeping a lot more..which i am starting to learn our little baby's sleeping habits (:
Well here i am looking like a...cow. lol i hate this picture, but its the only i could use. My eyes don't even look open! But thats enough about complaining about the picture. :P Well this week is almost up for me! and then Saturday i will be 32 weeks. This week has been like the rest, but i have just been getting more uncomfortable. Sitting or standing doesn't matter which, seems to bother me just as much as the other. Laying down seems to be the only way for me to get comfortable, but not for that long :P. this week i still am craving chicken..everything chicken.('; SO in my last blog post i said i was nervous to be 30 weeks just because this is like the last ten weeks i have until our baby is here! Well.. i had an incident happen which makes me even more nervous about these last weeks! I started getting really bad pains in the lower part of my belly, while i was working. They were starting to be so strong that i had to lean against something or sit down. It was obvious to some of my co-workers that i had been feeling some pain, so i was advised to go call my mid-wife and ask her if everything was okay. I feel like i call about everything i feel because i don't know if it is something i should be feeling or not and i wasn'r sure if it was braxton hick contractions or what. Anyway i called and left a message waiting for them to call me back, and at my lunch hour i finally got a call. I was telling them about the pains that i had been feeling and that i had been drinking lots of water and that no matter what i did if i walked around, sat down, laid down, nothing seemed to make the pain stop. The nurse didn't seem to be able to tell me what exactly was going on, so that made me nervous. She told me she would call me back in about 20 minutes to let me know what the doctor had said. So i clock back on to work, waiting for the nurse to call me back. She called me back and told me that i needed to go home. She said that the way i had described everything sounded like i was having small contractions.. not braxton hick contractions. So i ended up going home and laying around the rest of the day, and the pains went away. Talk about freak out! lol it made me so nervous to feel those pains, just because i know that this baby needs to stay in there for a couple more weeks! (: Anyway that was my scary experience.
There was also some other stuff that i had been going through with my health. A few weeks ago i was scheduled to take the gestational diabetes test like everyone has to when there pregnant. Well when i got the results back.. they weren't good. My glucose levels were a little over the normal. So for the past few weeks I've been pretty upset about maybe having gestational diabetes. They told me that i needed to call this number and take a 3 hour gestational diabetes test to make sure the first test was accurate. So two weeks ago i went in to take the 3 hour test but ended up getting really sick from the drink they make you drink, so i couldn't finish the test. Well this last Tuesday i went in to re take the test again. Longest 3 hours of my life let me tell you! I got poked six times to take blood, two of those six times they couldn't get a good vein to give them any blood -__-. So i sat there for 3 hours waiting, starving, and feeling crappier than ever. I just kept thinking that if i have gestational diabetes, I'm going to be so upset. I know having it isn't the end of the world, but just the thought bothered me because i have done some changing in my life style so i don't harm my baby and to have gestational diabetes.. would just suck. Well once the test was all over she said i would be getting the results soon, and not to worry. Well today i got an e-mail about my results... I DO NOT HAVE GESTATIONAL DIABETES! :DDD
I could just jump for joy! lol I'm so relieved i don't have it. Its like the best news ever! (:
Well that is all for this week. i hope everyone had an awesome fourth of July!
Until next week!
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