This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Thursday, June 28, 2012
30 weeeks!
Baby this week is the size of a large green cabbage! About 17 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds!(Going by the book of course.. doesn't mean our baby is exactly that size). Also this week our baby's brain is starting to develop! It can also regulate it's temperature also, so its little fuzzy hair stuff that has been all over is now starting to fade away! (: Baby's heartbeat is 141 and is measuring right on! (:
Well everyone here we are.. week 30! Only 10 more weeks to go! well.. not really 10 since i will be 31 weeks on Saturday! :D. This week i have been feeling good! Minus the constant hot flashes that seem to come whenever they want -___- It is getting more and more uncomfortable to sit for a long period of time because my rib starts to get a pain or the top of my belly starts to fall asleep like i have mentioned before. So sorry if my blogs get shorter and shorter. :P This week i haven't really had any cravings, just chicken! And since i can eat it now without throwing up.. its all i seem to want! Chicken and a nice cold fountain drink coke! OMG YUM! But hey i have gone this long without soda.. whats a few more weeks! The past few nights have been a pain for me to sleep.. from the leg the stupid pain i have in my arm from sleeping on it the weird dreams.. and christian hogging the bed.. LOL Its almost impossible to get a good nights rest, but i manage(; Geeez its taking me like a life time to write this dang blog.. because this belly :P. I have noticed this week that it is starting to get harder and harder for me to do things that i used to be able to do no problem.. for example.. anything to do with bending over, forget about it. lol I haven't had to big of a problem with it before, but now i just stare at whatever is on the floor that i need and wish it would pick itself up.. or i wish my shoes would just jump on my feet and tie themselves!
Well last week i said i was nervous to finally be 30 weeks.. and here is why. The thought that i have to give birth in just a few short weeks is starting to make me nervous.. no im not nervous about the pain that everyone talks about..but just nervous on how everything will go. I watched a movie the other day.. well documentary on being pregnant in America and they go around and ask people a bunch of questions. It actually amazed me how many people were worried about the pain they were going to feel, more then anything else. I mean these people are crazy! Your baby is what you should be most excited for, yes there is pain but that shouldn't be the main thing everyone talks about while pregnant. I mean hello! You created a life, and will finally be able to hold your baby. Pain is just something that happens to come along with it.
Well that is all for this week.. i know short, sweet, and to the point.
I will be sure to update this blog next week sooner then Thurday! (:
Hope everyone has a great night.. as for me.. i am going to get Christian from work..
and then cook some dinner. :D
Until next time.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
29 weeks! Happy First Day of Summer!
Well hello there baby bump. This week our baby is the size of a butternut squash!
Our baby is about 3 inches away from where it will be at when it is born! Our baby also weighs about 3 pounds and will double, almost triple in weight in the next 11 weeks! Baby will no longer be giving me those soft kicks, it is starting to get all cramped up in there and will now throw me and elbow, or knee depending on which isn't comfortable! :p Our baby's bones are starting to harden, and its lungs are fully developed even though baby has a lot of growing to do still!
So here i am at week 29 guys! 11 more weeks to goooooo! This week i have been feeling much better with my hormones than i have.. i seem to think that i have them under control.. at least for now (; I havent't been feeling to uncomfortable with anything just yet, i mean i get the occasional rib pain, and the top of my belly falling asleep, but its tolerable. I seem to be sleeping fine as long as i don't take naps during the day, when i need to sleep early that night. This week i keep on seeing our baby move! I am determined to record it.. so everyone can see how amazing and weird it is! feeling my baby move is one thing, but to actually see it move your belly around is just like the coolest thing everrr! ;D I was telling Christian last night that i wish he could feel how awesome it feels.. even though it looks creepy :PThis week the only thing that i have been wanting is anything sweet.. which i need to lay off the sweets, because of some news that i was given D: something i don't really want to share with the world just yet. I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday next week for my 30 week check up! AHHHH 30 weeks already?!?! i dont know about all of you, but this pregnancy is just flying by! Im nervous to be 30 weeks.. but i will explain more about that in my next week blog, (:
This past Saturday was mine and Christian's two year anniversary!
We didn't do much, but we were more about spending time together at our new apartment than going out on an expensive fancy date :P. These past two years have been the best. I swear Christian just always knows how to put a smile on my face and make me the happiest person in the world.. even when he makes me mad ;]. I know i have told you this already, but thank you Christian for always being there for me and making me the happiest person on this planet! <3
I know i said i would post pictures of our new place on my blog.. but i want to wait until it is all decorated cute.. so you all don;t look at it thinking i am a plain Jane. ;] It has defiantly been a change living with just me and Christian. Its always so quiet.. well at least for now :P. And one thing i miss i having a dog greet you as you walk in the door. I have dogs in all the house that i have lived in so not having a dog here is different.. but i will soon have a baby i get to see everyday :D. i love our little apartment, and knowing that all this space is ours:P
Well i leave you with a picture.. because i feel like all the pictures i post of myself on here are never all that cute.. plus i felt like taking a picture :P
Until next week!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
28 weeks! = 7 MONTHS (:
Baby this week is the size of a Chinese cabbage, and weighs about 2 and a half pounds! Baby can now open its eyes in there! Blinking away that baby is (;. Baby this week is making mommy uncomfortable, sitting and pinching every nerve in my body, but hey i still love my baby! Baby's heartbeat is still at 140, and is doing great!
This is my 28th week! I am now 7 months pregnant, and starting my 3rd trimester! Only 80 more days to go! My last update i had it all confused with how long i had i have 80 days, 12 weeks, so roughly three months left to go! All depends on my baby and when it wants to come out!
This past week has been the start to my uncomfortable-ness of pregnancy. I officially can't sit normal for long periods of time.. i need to lean back while i sit or else the top part of my belly starts to fall asleep, which is a feeling of numbness. So while i am typing this blog i am trying to make it fast so i can lay down and relax this belly of mine :P. My hormones are out of control this past week, and well there is nothing i can really do about them, besides go with the flow. So if i'm having an off day.. well i will apologize now. (: I haven;t been having any cravings this week just anything i can get my chubby little hands on lol. Especially anything sweet! I have been having some what of a sweet tooth! I have been feeling the baby move more and more, those awesome hard kicks right to my bladder are the best ;] I enjoy feeling the baby move and watching my belly move as the baby kicks. Its so crazy.. the past few times Christian has laid on my belly the baby always kicks him. like he's taking up all its space. lol its so cute. This week i also had a doctors appointment which is why i waited so long to update my blog. I had on yesterday. I had to take the gestational diabetes test. The drink that i had to drink was the orange flavor.. now everyone i have heard from says the drinks is nasty that it is so syrupy and sugary, or it made them really sick. Well it was really sugary and syrupy, but it actually didn't bother me. I liked it. It reminded me of drinking a soda, in which i have been craving, but can't drink. So i actually enjoyed it. (:
This past week also was mine and Christian's baby shower! :D It was such a blast to go down to Nevada and see all of our family! When we sent out the invitations we had asked everyone to wear either pink or blue depending on what they thought the baby was going to be..
These are the shirts that me and christian decided to wear. He is totally sure its a girl, me on the other hand, i decided to wear blue based on my first instinct when i seen our baby in the ultra sound for the first time.. but to be 100 honest.. i have no idea what i think the baby will be :P. We got loads of stuff from all the people who came out to our baby shower! Thank you to everyone who attended! My sister and mom did an awesome job throwing it. I loved all the food and company! We got to spend so much time with both sides of our family. I loved being able to see my nephew and spend time with him. I must say being an aunt is a pretty awesome thing! My nephew is like my mini best friend.. yes he may only be 2 and a half years old.. but he is the best! And so so smart. My sister and Ismael are doing such an awesome job raising him!
Well this week has just been full of excitement! And to add in something else exciting! Me and Christian are moving in to our own apartment on Friday! Yes, this Friday! :D Our officially first apartment together! We are so excited! I will post pictures of it on my next blog!
This week, well yesterday was my mothers birthday!
I know you can see just our eyes of the next picture.. but i wanted to post it like this so..there.
I know she had a good birthday, because i just know these things. (: But Mom your present is going to be so late.. D:. I had some cake yesterday for your birthday also. Thank you Grandma Anderson for having my mother, and thank you mother for having me, because if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be here today and neither would this little baby in my belly!(: i love you even though we get irritated with eachother (:. lol
Well this is all for this week. Next week is only a few more days away!
Until next time.
Monday, June 4, 2012
27 weeks!
(Stare at my belly, not my face..;])
So this week baby is the size of a cauliflower! I know I know a cauliflower isn't nearly as long as an English cucumber (last week) but this week it is going from the whole 2 pounds my baby weighs!
Also baby could be up to 15 inches long! I personally don't think that baby is that long, but who knows :p
Our baby has more taste buds now then it will have when it is born! Baby can "taste" the food i eat based on the amniotic fluid. It changes based on what i eat.. So anything spicy baby can taste and may respond.. and our baby does! [;
This is week 27 the last and final week of six months, and the last and final week of my second trimester! Can you believe it?! I sure and the heck can't! Time is just slipping away. This week is the first time i have woken up with....SWOLLEN FEET! and let me tell you that is not something to look forward to when you are pregnant! I was so exhausted that day, so it was making my feet feel ten times worse! But you know.. when your having a 'bad' day or things just aren't going your way, and you just want to go home and go back to sleep and start the day all over.. well that is how i felt and then...i felt my baby kick and my day instantly got better and it got me through the day! It is amazing what feeling your baby move can do to your mood! And might i add.. my baby is a moving machine! :D
I can't believe that i am going to be seven months next week! These past sixth months have been the most amazing six month of my life! Yes, i haven't had that long of a life, but so far it is amazing. Carrying a baby.. a human life, is such a blessing and is the most amazing thing that you can experience in a women's life. ( That is my opinion at least) I Love our little baby and in 2 months and 5 days..89 days.. our baby's due date will be here, and hopefully so will our baby! That's if baby is 'on time' (;
We are flying out tomorrow to good ol' Mesquite, Nevada. Where we will have our baby shower on the 6th and my soon to be sister in law will be graduating on the 7th! I am so excited to see everyone! Especially the most amazing little baby (not a baby anymore, but i still like to think) my nephew Wyett! He is so excited also! I have missed my nephew so much! Yes, mom and Tieara i have missed you too (; I also get to see my dad this week! It will be awesome to spend some time with everyone and go swimming in 120 degree weather. :P
Well i guess i better go start packing.. until next week! (:
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