Week 11! Woohoo! Getting close to my second trimester, the one i hear the most about! ;).
For those of you who don't know what a fig is it is a fruit that is like a dark purple and is like 'orangiee' in the middle.

Our 11 week picture together! Note that i had been asleep since i got off work so ignore my not so 'cute' look!;) Well i'm looking forward to this week! The baby is going to be growing like a weed this week! Baby is supposed to double in size by next week! :D. Well a lot has happened in this past week! well for starters I got engaged! ;D and the ring fits like a glove! Christian truly is the most amazing man in the whole entire world! I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with him and more! We don't have an official plan for our wedding just yet! but i will keep everyone posted! Some more exciting news i got i'm not going to share until next week, but my family all knows.(:
I haven't been having any cravings, its actually been a challenge for me to eat, because everything 'healthy' that i would want to eat just wont stay down and nothing ever sounds good! It is really amazing that when you are pregnant how your appetite changes. I thought that when i seen pregnant women and had been around them they were so lucky, because they got to eat whatever they wanted oh was i so wrong! Everything that you would usually enjoy just doesn't sound that great and its a challenge to eat certain things. I've given up soda 100% and thankfully i haven't "craved" it since! I do have a sip of a sprite once in a while just so it will settle my stomach, but even then i can't drink the whole thing or even half! Lately I feel like I have been having panic attacks. I just seem to get really scared for no reason at all and just feel like i need to get outta the house. I was reading about it in my pregnancy book and it says that it is actually quite normal to get scared feelings while your pregnant strange i know! Sleeping is getting to be more of a challenge even though this is just the beginning. I wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and then i can't seem to go back to sleep for another hour to and hour and a half! Its so strange. I'm defiantly looking into the whole pregnancy pillow things because those things looks comfortable! My mood swings.. hmm well they are still as bad as ever :P. I have made the choice that if my insurance hasn't called by Wednesday that i am going to schedule my doctors appointment anyway so i can confirm how far i actually am! (; even though the doctors will cost a fortune, i can't wait any longer!
Well i am getting distracted from Harry Potter :p so i guess its time to go finish watching this movie and take a shower. So glad i am off tomorrow! LAZY DAY HERE I COME! ;D
hi guys guess who its grandma gayle
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