This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Monday, February 27, 2012
13 weeks! Yes, you read that right.!
Yes! I am 13 weeks and 2 days today! How am i for sure this time? Well.. I had a doctors appointment! FINALLY! and it was awesome! First things first i must show you!..
(That right there.. is OUR BABY!)
Baby was moving so much! It didn't want to sit still! Kicking and jumping around in there.. it was so cute! and so awesome to see! Also there is only 1 baby in there, sorry Maggie ;P. Everything on the ultra sound was good, heartbeat and everything. :D That was awesome news to hear!
Well, the doctors was fun. We have a mid-wife and her name is Megan! She is really nice and says things how it is. Which will always be a plus, so if something is going on she won't be "around the bush" if you will. Its amazing how many questions come up when your sitting in the doctor office. The baby is measuring 13 weeks and 2 days like i said so, my due date has been changed from the 10th of September to the 1st of September. (; give err take. Its all up to the baby when it wants to come into this world! Oh! but that reminds me, I was reading that the baby has already decided on the day it wants to be born. Isnt that so crazy!!? The baby this week will be developing its vocal cords. It can already open and close its fist, kick, move around, and make mommy sick ;)
This week i have been soooo hungry! Only I can't keep anything down, once again. I defiantly can't eat any chicken what so ever! Everytime i do, it comes right back up. So i have come to the conclusion that baby doesn't like chicken :p My weight this week is 136.6 <--- i was shocked when i seen that number! I have lost weight! but not to worry.. i have plenty of time to gain weight -__- haha. My belly is popped. Well yes, it was showing before but it looked more like i ate too much of everything. :p It still hasn't hit me that i am going to be a mom! I think about it all the time, but it is just so unreal and exciting. I don't have time for it to hit me because i'm just so excited all the time:P. Cravings this week.. well i think i have been really wanting some Doritos! Not just like regular Doritos, but the ones that were like the level of hottness.. and of course they discontinued them -__- i hate when company's do that! Its TORTURE! D: Other then that everything with me is going goood!
I just thought that i should throw this in here since its my blog.
ONE: I take marriage and children VERY seriously and it really bothers me when i hear people say that people my age don't take stuff like this seriously. this is LIFE CHANGING, of course people take it seriously. So unless your God, you have no right to judge the way people's life is, and the choices they are making.
TWO: Don't look at me different or treat me any different because I'm pregnant. Last time i checked i am still the same person!(:
THREE: THIS IS NOT A TREND that people just choose to do. So NO I'm not part of a "trend" everything that is happening was a totally surprise that was very much welcomed. (:
Well that's all for this week. I will be updating my blogs on Saturdays now since every Saturday i will be another week further :]
Sunday, February 19, 2012
11 weeks!
Week 11! Woohoo! Getting close to my second trimester, the one i hear the most about! ;).
For those of you who don't know what a fig is it is a fruit that is like a dark purple and is like 'orangiee' in the middle.

Our 11 week picture together! Note that i had been asleep since i got off work so ignore my not so 'cute' look!;) Well i'm looking forward to this week! The baby is going to be growing like a weed this week! Baby is supposed to double in size by next week! :D. Well a lot has happened in this past week! well for starters I got engaged! ;D and the ring fits like a glove! Christian truly is the most amazing man in the whole entire world! I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with him and more! We don't have an official plan for our wedding just yet! but i will keep everyone posted! Some more exciting news i got i'm not going to share until next week, but my family all knows.(:
I haven't been having any cravings, its actually been a challenge for me to eat, because everything 'healthy' that i would want to eat just wont stay down and nothing ever sounds good! It is really amazing that when you are pregnant how your appetite changes. I thought that when i seen pregnant women and had been around them they were so lucky, because they got to eat whatever they wanted oh was i so wrong! Everything that you would usually enjoy just doesn't sound that great and its a challenge to eat certain things. I've given up soda 100% and thankfully i haven't "craved" it since! I do have a sip of a sprite once in a while just so it will settle my stomach, but even then i can't drink the whole thing or even half! Lately I feel like I have been having panic attacks. I just seem to get really scared for no reason at all and just feel like i need to get outta the house. I was reading about it in my pregnancy book and it says that it is actually quite normal to get scared feelings while your pregnant strange i know! Sleeping is getting to be more of a challenge even though this is just the beginning. I wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and then i can't seem to go back to sleep for another hour to and hour and a half! Its so strange. I'm defiantly looking into the whole pregnancy pillow things because those things looks comfortable! My mood swings.. hmm well they are still as bad as ever :P. I have made the choice that if my insurance hasn't called by Wednesday that i am going to schedule my doctors appointment anyway so i can confirm how far i actually am! (; even though the doctors will cost a fortune, i can't wait any longer!
Well i am getting distracted from Harry Potter :p so i guess its time to go finish watching this movie and take a shower. So glad i am off tomorrow! LAZY DAY HERE I COME! ;D
Sunday, February 12, 2012
10 weeeks! ;D
(Everyone just bare with us on our lighting and camera situation ;) We plan on changing it up next week!)
Well today i feel ten times more self conscious than ever. sO go ahead say it because i am thinking the same thing. How can i be this big for 10 weeks? I feel like a balloon and that i just have a chubby belly not a pregnant one! Blah! I don't think that my stomach has ever looked this big! I feel SO moody lately its like never ending! So looking forward to a happy non irritated mood lol. My hormones are just running wild!
I am ten weeks today! ;D I get so excited when i know i am another week further. It is so exciting! Baby must know when it is becoming a week older because every Sunday i have thrown up even if i haven't thrown up that whole week! HA. I'm craving a lot of egg rolls and mac and cheese and i am starting to feel more comfortable eating instead of being scared of throwing it up. Some food that i can't even think about eating like ever again..Pizza or Hot wings! YUCK! Baby is 1 and a half inches long and the baby no longer had webbed feet or fingers it is moving a lot now and the spine is completely visible! Granted this is all from reading since i haven't been able to get into a doctor yet! D: I swear this waiting game for the doctor is horrible! Whenever anyone gets make sure you have insurance to cover you, so you don't have to wait to get it! I have also been feeling a little "itchy" everyone who has been pregnant know exactly what i mean by what has been itchy! It is bothering me so bad! I guess i better Google how to make it all better!
Christian has been such a great support he really has been there for me whenever i need him and puts up with my random mood swings. He is the best <3. We noticed Harley (the dog) has picked up quite an appetite! Every time i come home he eats, when im in the living room he eats, when i am in the kitchen he eats. LOL. I like to think he is doing the sympathy eating :) I'm looking forward to this next week to see what all happens next! :D
Until next time!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
9 Weeks!
Well here i am at nine weeks! Well at least that is what we are going by from when we went to "Planned Parenthood". Yes, i know my belly looks huge for nine weeks, but we still aren't for sure if i am a hundred percent nine weeks, or even if there is just one in there for that matter! ;) We haven't been to the real doctor yet, still waiting for insurance to go through! I'm getting anxious here!(:
(Christian at nine weeks;) )
( I thought this was such a cute picture! Baby at nine weeks)
All these cute little pictures I get like the one above is all from the internet just so everyone knows(:
I didn't notice how big i actually was until Christian started taking pictures! Let me tell you.. I suddenly became self conscious LOL. But i'm the one who is all excited for my belly so bring it on!
Hmm.. Lately I have been craving chicken nuggets, not like fast food chicken nuggets but the Tyson chicken nuggets you buy at the store! Im still amazed that i am craving such a horrible food.. since Tracy (Christians mom) told me how they make them! It is so disgusting! I weighed myself and surprisingly I am at the same weight even though i feel a thousand pounds more then i was! I feel so much more hungry now! I eat, and then 3 or 4 hours later I feel like I'm dying of starvation! So far the toughest part is eating something healthy that actually sounds yummy, but i am really trying my hardest! I haven't really been craving anything too "weird" everything i usually want to eat is things that i have always ate before, but i will defiantly keep everyone posted if something "weird" does come up! I feel much more irritable with people! I can't believe it. Hopefully that passes soon, because i hate feeling so irritated with people :P. I haven't been feeling to sick I feel like my energy is starting to come back and i hadn't thrown up in a few days so i have been feeling better! But then of course.. Today I had to wake up super early like 4 in the morning early and it seems like baby hates when i wake up that early because that is when i feel the worst tired and nauseated once again. Baby is going to be just like its momma.. not a morning person ;)
So far the only thing that I have bought for my baby is this cute picture frame! It reminded me of all the little pictures my Grandma has of all the kids, so i had to buy it. Plus it was on sale! Christian has bought 2 packages of diapers! :D He is the greatest! Oh! and I bought my first maternity shirt! I know, I know I'm not that far along but I needed some looser fitting shirts! Plus.. it was on sale!
Well that is all for this week now time to relax with Christian since it is his "lazy" day! ;) and its my FRIDAY! :D Hope everyone has an awesome week!
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