

Saturday, December 31, 2011


             Time?  Seems like it is always going by so fast, or too slow, right?
We  worry so much about time instead of living in the moment.
Today I was thinking about all the time that has gone by and all the memories i have of all my friends, family. Its so amazing how time can either make people or break people. I mean the relationships that you have with your friends and family change over time, maybe when you were younger you didn't have a good relationship with someone in your family and as you get older all the sudden your closer? Or maybe it is vice versa, maybe someone you were close with ends up being a stranger. I am thankful for all the moments i have got to spend with the people that have been in my life. I often say "time is going to slow" but my new years resolution is to just live in every moment good or bad. This is my life and i need to start cherishing every moment i have in it <3. 

This year is going to rock! 2011 brought in so many changes in my life i am totally ready to see what 2012 has in store for me and Christian!
Hope Everyone has an awesome New Year! and enjoys every moment in your life as well!
Well got to go, Four  in the morning comes early, especially when you got to go to work! But for now i am going to spend time with the most amazing boyfriend in the whole entire world. :D (did i mention it is his birthday tomorrow) :) 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The year of Eighteen.

3 more days, that's all just three more and i will become another year older. Kind of exciting I think nineteen will be the last year of being in the "teens" so i will defiantly be living up the last "teen" year of my life ;) with Chris of course! :D The second I turned eighteen i actually felt older! Never before have I actually felt older on my birthday except my eighteenth birthday. When I turned eighteen I knew my life would be changing. I honestly took in all of my Senior year, I enjoyed everything i did that year. When you turn eighteen you just know that now you really have to grow up and start getting your life on track (if you haven't started already). I knew when i turned eighteen that Graduation would be right around the corner and i would no longer be going to High School, all my friends would be going away to College and starting their new lives. I knew that some of my close friends would become distant, something i HOPED would never happen, but then of course it did. After Graduation I could already feel everyone drifting away from each other, I knew then that things would never be the same. I did do a lot at eighteen though I mean i finally got my license, finally bought a car, finally moved out, and then finally moved out of that old town of Mesquite, Nevada. Out of all my friends i was the last to move out of that town, yes i said move out of that town not the last to go visit there (: When i moved to Oregon it never really hit me that everything i once knew and all the great times my friends and i had in that town were now just old memories that we would occasionally bring up. Its only been about 2 months since I moved away from that town and it feels like years! All there is in that town is my loving family and a bunch of old memories. I must say being eighteen has been such a blast of excitement and new things. I have always gone through everything that has happened in the past year once my birthday is coming up and thinking back on this year it still amazes me how much happened! I still havent realized that all my friends are a hundred miles away, still haven't realized that I am actually living in Oregon and plan to stay here, it all feels like a dream.  Tons of emotions when i think about the past year of my life, eighteen was fun, but who knows maybe nineteen will be better ;) until next timee. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

4 days!

               The last time i was on here i was getting ready to move to Oregon and dealing with the loss of my amazing cousin. Well guess what?! I am finally living in Oregon! That was one long ride up here. It was even longer since i started to get sick on the way up. We stayed in Salt Lake the day before we headed off to Oregon, so i got to spend some time with my dad and grandparents! I have lived in Oregon now for 4 days and let me tell you this is one awesome place! I've been busy since we got here! There is so much to do here it is unbelievable!  I have moved into our apartment, gone job hunting, went "site seeing" and have already had Cold-stones twice! Thanks to them i am going to be so massive D: seeing as there is one that is right down the street from our apartment.
       So far i am loving Oregon. Everyone said that we barely missed all the sun when we moved here. It was cloudy when we came into Oregon, but we got lucky and now we have two more days of sun and 80 degree weather! The sun goes away from October to April everyone says. I'm anxious to see what it will be like with no sun for that long. This weather is so different from Mesquite's weather just yesterday i had to wear a long sleeve shirt in September! I would have never thought that i would have to do that. I am used to ooh lets say about 100 degree weather almost all year long, but here its about 68 degrees in the middle of the day! Its always so fresh out! Awesome weather for night walks i would like to say. 
    The people here are friendly, but might i let everyone know that almost every girl here doesn't wear a bra... Lol.. Don't ask me why. But overall  its a really nice place to live (if you like the rain.) Well today i believe that we are going to the Ocean since today is probably the last day for the sunny 80 degree weather! See-ya!

Friday, September 23, 2011

R.I.P Aaron.

                I am 12 hours from leaving this town! I cant believe the time is finally here! I would probably be more excited about it, but there was a tragedy that happened. My cousin Aaron Nester died yesterday. And all everyone could tell me was that he kept saying needed to talk to me and see me. I would have seen him if his car wouldn't have broke down in Vegas.. I love him and he will be so missed. He was so fun to be around! Always had a smile on his face. Most loving and caring person in the world! 
             Rest in peace Aaron. I love you. 

                                                                        (Aaron (right) his twin brother Andrew (left))

Thursday, September 22, 2011


             I totally knew i wasn't going to be able to keep up with this whole blogging thing
everyday, but hey at least i didn't give it all up! These past few days have been good! I have done a lot of hanging out with my best friend and family and also getting ready fer this big move of mine! I also took my what i think will be my last drive to Vegas. Well at least the last time i will get to drive there with it only being an hour away. I went up there and finally received my drivers license! WOOOOO! let me tell you i waited way to long to go and get that thing and now that i have it.. its awesome! Now i wont have to worry about going and re-taking my permit test and drivers test in Oregon. Tomorrow will be my last full day in this dead ol' town and a busy one at that! Everything will be packed up and out the door tomorrow and Saturday we are off to our "new home". I'm starting to think that i might just miss this town a little, but maybe so much the town just the people I'm leaving behind in it. I will post pictures of all the awesome site seeing we will be driving through on our way up there. This time we will be taking the Utah way which will save us some time..maybe. 
   (These are some pictures i have from when we took a trip out there to take a look at where we would soon be living at!)

                          We got to drive right by area 51! That drive was long, but so much fun!

      Well I'm off to put some more clothes into the bag i will be living out of fer the next four/five days! Goodnight!  

Monday, September 19, 2011

Everything happens fer a reason

            "Everything happens for a reason." Today that is what i had to live by. I came to find out that i had to get rid of my car today because no one thinks that it will make it up to Oregon. Man oh man was that hard news for me. i mean its a car i can sell it and get a new one right? It bothered me a lot and i guess  it is because its something that was truly mine. I bought my car about a month ago with my own money and didn't have to ask anyone for help to by it. I am kinda sorta attached to it yet i haven't figured out completely why besides that it was truly mine.  

The move is getting closer its so exciting! I cant wait to be in a different climate and environment. I also got some news today that i might not be moving until Saturday which gives me a few extra days with my superr cute most amazing nephew ever! 

  I went to my family's house yesterday and received a "goodbye" gift. (that is what the picture is of) All this stuff is going to be so useful! I am grateful fer all that my family has done!

 Today has been a loong day! but now it is time to sit back and enjoy a "cute" moviee with my amazing boyfriend. Goodnight!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The past && a little about my life.

     Well today will be the first and official day that I have started my online blog. I have decided to blog because i have always tried to keep a journal err a scrapbook of things that happen in my life but... I can never stick with it. To start I am an 18 year old girl living in a small town named Mesquite. I have recently graduated high school and let me tell you, I waited fer that day fer as long as I could remember! Since graduation in June life has taken some strange turns fer me. My best friend ended up moving to Texas right after graduation to start her life there. Saying bye to her was one of the hardest things, but i knew i would see her again. As August approached all of my friends were getting ready to leave and go off to college. Now none of my friends really live here, just me. My plan has always been to join the military but I have put that on hold because my life is going nothing like I planned, but whose does? I will soon be leaving this town that I grew up in and have a home away from home. I will be re-locating to Oregon. Scary yes, but I am ready to get out of here. I will be leaving either this Wednesday err Thursday. Totally looking forward to the 16-18 hour drive! 
     My blog will consist of me telling about my life and the adventures that it I will go through. I'm not going to be all that great at this, but don't judge me just bare with me. 
    Today I woke up in the best mood ever its amazing what waking up next to someone you love can do to your mood. My adventures fer today is packing! Even though most of our stuff is packed we still have a few more stuff to pack. Then dinner with my wonderful crazy family. It will be hard to leave them, but i will be back to visit this place as much as I can! Excuse my rambling that I do so much. I guess that is all I have time to write today.