(Thank you Grandma Tracy for all the awesome pictures!)
Well hello world! I am of course back to the blogging business! i would like you all to meet our beautiful baby boy Tristan Brady Mulliner! We all finally got to see and meet the little baby that was growing inside my belly! He is the most perfect baby! He loves to snuggle up to everyone! He sleeps soooo much! and he has the cutest cry i have ever heard! He is already a week old! Time has just been flying by ever since he was born. Days just seem like they are getting shorter and shorter! i am so looking forward to watching him grow, although i dont think i will let him get any bigger! i want him to stay a little baby forever! ;]
Since i never got a chance to actually take my 37 week baby bump picture i do have a few i could use for my 37 week picture..
Forgive me they aren't the best looking pictures of me but heyy, its something ;] i look so peaceful during labor right?!? That was my official last picture being pregnant!
Here is my story of how we ended up in the hospital, the day our baby was born. On August 17, 2012. I was sleeping and had been feeling these weird pains, but thought nothing of them and just kept going back to sleep. Until about 1:30a.m i finally got up with severe pains. I wasn't sure if they were contractions or not.. (i'm a first time mom how am i supposed to know what they feel like!?) I had to get up and start walking around, there was no way that i would be able to just lay there while feeling these pains. I woke up Christian a few minutes later and told him that i was having pains, but wasn't sure if they were contractions. We started timing my contractions, and they were coming about every 7 minutes or so. So we called our mid-wife and another lady told Chris that i was in active labor if they were coming every 7 minutes. They were getting worse and worse but i still wasn't convinced that i was in labor. So we waited it out, until about 3:30a.m. I finally decided to go to the hospital, but i just kept thinking i hope this is real or else they are going to send me home. So we checked into the hospital they told me to get into a gown and we waited. While waiting i kept on getting the pains again, they seemed to be coming every 3 minutes. When the nurse finally came in i was dilated to a 2. Still 80 percent effaced. So the nurse told me that we would wait about 2 hours to see if i changed at all. So i decided to get up and start walking around to see if i would start dilating more. Chris and me walked in a square what seemed like a hundred times. Finally i just went back down to the room they had us in and i layed there. In horrible horrible pain. Two hours passed and when they came in to check me i was only dilated to a 2 and a half, 80 percent effaced. I was in shock, for as much pain as i was in i couldn't believe i wasn't dilated more. The nurse told us that since i wasn't dilating much than they were probably going to send us home..something i didn't want to happen. I was frustrated, so the nurse came back and said she was going to call our mid-wife and ask her if they should just send me home with some medicine. When she left the room to go call, it literally took TWO HOURS to call our damn mid-wife, I was so irritated at that point because nothing was helping these pains and they were taking their sweet time to let us know what was going to happen. I was doing everything i could to control the pain i was in, when finally a new nurse came in she told me she was going to check me to see if i had changed and if i didn't i would be going home. So she checked me, and i was dilated to a three! I was so happy i had changed in dilation. So the nurse said she was going to have to go check and see what they wanted to do now that i had changed. An hour later Chris went out to use the restroom and on the way back into our little room thingy, the nurse caught him and said that they were going to keep me for labor! When Chris came in to tell me the news i was sooooo excited! Minus all the pain i had been feeling. I still just couldn't believe i was in labor. Once they had moved us into labor and delivery the contractions were non stop. By that time i was dilated to a five and 90 percent effaced. The pain was starting to get unbearable. I had told myself that i wasn't going to have an epidural, I honestly just don't agree with it, i believe that our bodies were made to give birth without any medicine..(Just my personal opinion.) Anyways the pain was just getting way to bad and i couldn't get myself to calm down and just let my body do what it was supposed too. I was so upset with myself when i finally broke down and got the medicine. Chris the whole time was saying just to get it because he couldn't watch me be that much pain. I knocked out once i got the epidural. (Hint the picture up top) When i woke up i was dilated to a 6 and i seemed to be at a 6 for awhile. But once we finally seen our mid-wife a few hours later i was relieved! She checked me and said "whoa" me and Chris just stared at her like what.. She said i was dilated to a 9 and a half 100 percent effaced! By this time there was not an ounce of epidural left in me. I was feeling everything, although i was in severe pain, i was actually glad i could feel everything in a way since i didn't want the medicine. Once it was time to push i was about to die. LOL but hey it was all worth it in the end! Because i got to finally meet our son!
Life after baby has been born is wonferful! He is so perfect! Being a mom is the best thing in the world. That's all i care to be is a great mom to my wonderful boy!
After i gave birth and had to get up and walk around, let me tell you.. seeing my belly without a baby in it is the weirdest feeling in the whole world. i miss having my son in my stomach more than anything. Which may be weird to some people because everyone is always so anxious to get their babies out and be able to snuggle them all up! I am glad he is here but i could have waited until 42 weeks and i would have been completely happy!:] Its been weird this last week with my "new" body. I was so used to having a big ol' belly, and constant rib pain ;] that i forgot what it was like to have a "normal" size belly again, and to be able to sit down for awhile without my rib hurting. It is also weird with eating because i have been so used to eating everything all day long lol and now im not so hungry, sounds weird but when you are used to something for so long it seems weird to have it all go back to the way it was. :P So to all the women that are pregnant now, enjoy every second of it because believe it or not you will miss it so much!
Here are some pictures of our little munchkin within this past week <3
( His coming home outfit)
("Glowbaby" He had to be under a UV blanket for his jaundice)
( Our little caterpillar)
( Angry faces while sleeping (;)
( LOL Sleeping with his mouth open.. like always :D)
( He loves all his aunties)
I will be blogging more about our family life, just not every week like i have been while i have been pregnant. so if you would still like to read my blogs keep an eye out for newest posts!
This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Saturday, August 25, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
36 Weeks= 9 Months!
Baby this week is the weight of a crenshaw melon! Our baby is shedding most if the downy hair that covered its little body (:. Our Mid-wife has done an educated guess that the baby is about 7 pounds already! She also made and educated guess that we have a long baby! (again educated guess, doesn't mean its accurate.)
OMG. I am 36 weeks everybody!! As of today i have 23 days to go!! Ooooo time is creeping on up to us! So excited to meet our little munchkin ;D. This week has been one heck of a week! Where should i even start.. hmm. how about the doctors appointment, yes? Okay.
So Tuesday we had our 36 week check up. They do the usual thing they always do. Take your weight.. -__- Which as of right now i am 170. I about died when i seen that number! But heeeeyyy im pregnant im allowed to be that weight! Might i add that they have to take a urine sample every time you go in there, and from all the times i have been in there now.. i have become a pro at peeing in a cup. LOL. My blood pressure and everything is good.. YES. Everything is looking good. My mid-wife checked me to see if i am dilating, its an uncomfortable procedure, let me tell you. Anyways good news! I am dilated to a... ONE. :D Yes i know a one isn't very much but hey it's something especially since i thought i wasn't going to be dilated at all. Also my cervix is 50% Softened. My mid-wife was surprised that it was softening, she said that usually first time mom's cervix's don't start softening for a while. So that was good news (: And again baby's head is fersure down! Also she did an educated guess on how long our baby might be based on what she can feel on the outside. She said the head is way down and the bum is up by my chest meaning somewhere in my back and ribs are the baby's legs and feet (:. I now have a check up every week.. can't believe how fast time is flying! This week i have been craving...icecream, If you haven't seen my facebook posts :P. Also i want to warn all the women who are pregnant and read my blog.. If you don't think that you need maternity clothes or you think that you are good without them.. let me tell you now that during your last month you WILL need them. I have grown so much i can't barely fit into anything -__- all my pants are so freaking tight! It hurts my belly to wear any of them.. i think i will be sticking to sweats and big shirts until i give birth. So excuse me if i don't look all that great sometimes :P I only have a few more weeks to enjoy being a whale.. so i will ;).
Today i got an awesome surprise! I was at work, and after lunch i was walking back on the floor and was talking to my manager she had told me i needed to go get some papers printed off and that she would grab them for me, but she wanted me to come with her.. so i start walking down the hall, and she walks into a completely different room with out any comnputers so i was just assuming that i follow her in there. As i walk in i see my co-workers and everyone yelled surprise. I was in shock! They had all gotten together to throw me a little baby shower at work! I seen flowers, a table cloth that said 'Tosha" on it, and a huge chocolate cake :D. there was also a vace with gift cards in it, a card with money in it, and a bag of baby stuff. I couldn't believe it. I honestly had no idea. I didn't think that they were going to do anything for me, let alone expect them to do anything. Lets just say i have some pretty awesome co-workers and managers! Thank you all so much for everything you guys gave me! It was over the top and very very nice!
( i didnt get a picture of the room, but i did get a picture of the stuff they gave me)
Well that is all for this week!
Until next week!
Friday, August 3, 2012
35 weeks!
This week baby weighs the same as a Honeydew melon! This week it is just packing on the pounds. And that will be its main focus for the rest of the time in there ;D
This week i have been feeling good! Not to mention this is my last week being 8 months.. well last day being 8 months! ;) Starting yesterday i started getting some cramping, but nothing crazy. I have also been getting cramps today and the baby hasn't been moving as much as it usually does.. but hey! no body jump to conclusions just yet! (: My cravings this week are..drumstick icecream! Omg.. i could eat about 20 boxes and still want more :P I have also been wanting Sconecutter. If anybody is familiar with that place.. than you know why i am craving it! D: Its a pretty random craving.. seeing as i haven't ate it in years! I know of one that is close to my dad's house in Salt lake. So i texted him and told him that he needed to ship me some err else >;D But of course the food would be rotten by then -__-. Other than the weird cramping and cravings everything has been going pretty awesome. (: I have been getting a lot of comments from people while im at work feeling bad for me for working and always being on my feet, i think that has become me new pet peeve. lol i hate when people feel "bad" for me just because im working and pregnant.I enjoy working, it keeps me busy and my feet are usually fine. (: Just thought i would vent about that since its really starting to bug me lol or when people say oh you must be due soon! Next time i'm going to tell someone actually im only 5 months along.. bahahaha. (: Well i better go check on my dinner before its burned. :P I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday and that is when she is going to check to see if i am diolating! So next week we will know more about whats going on with our baby! :D So until next time! Btw i am 36 weeks tomorrow... OMG ;D
until next week!
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