This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Monday, May 28, 2012
26 Weeks!
Baby this week is the size of an English cucumber. Our baby is still inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid. Baby is also continuing to put on fat! Weighing in at about a pound and a half to two pounds! Baby this week may also start to open its eyes! There is really nothing to look at in there, but that is okay! (:
I am 26 weeks now.. and it felt like just yesterday i updated my week 25 blog.. so weird :P. This week my cravings have been bean and cheese burritos! with lots and lots of hot sauce :D. This week and last week i have been feeling the baby's hand or foot on the lower part of my belly! I feel like this lump and then i touch it and it kicks me and moves its little hand or foot. It feels so weird, but so awesome! Not a whole lot has been going on with me this week, everything has pretty much been the same as last week. Although this week i have been getting pretty bad migraines. So bad that it has been messing with my vision. But i haven't had one as bad today which is nice, so hopefully they stay away! This week i have also been feeling really moody.. in like every way possible. It will pass like it always does, but it does suck. Dang hormones! Well i'm having a really hard time writing this blog because my mind is on a thousand things. Next weeks blog will be better i swear! ;] and it will be my last week being six months! :D
until next timee..
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
25 Weeks!
Baby this week is the size of an eggplant! About nine inches and almost a pound and a half!
Our baby this week is also just movin and grovin inside there! It makes me laugh when it kicks me non-stop! I love it. This week our baby's nostrils have opened up in there! They have been closed up
until now, so baby is practicing breathing through it's nose!(: Also our baby is starting to look more "pink" not because baby is getting too hot in there, but because more and more blood vessels are forming!
This week is week 25! I only have 14 weeks and 4 days left! I must say when people started finding out that i was pregnant, some said it would feel like forever and some would say it will fly by.. i have decided that it flies right on by! I can't believe that i don't have that much longer left! Some of you are probably thinking..14 weeks and 4 days, 102 days, that's a long time. If only you knew how fast it has gone already 102 days is nothing! (:
So on the 16th we had our doctors appointment! Well mid-wife appointment lol. This time it was a whole new mid-wife. Her name is Holly! She is very blunt and says it how it is, which i love. But at the same time it was hard for me to "warm" up to her and i think it is because i was so used to my old mid-wife Megan, but we had asked what happened to her and found out that maybe it is a good thing that we don't have her anymore. Even though she rocked! So my weight gain is perfect they said! i weight 145 now! Which is weird because I'm at the weight that i was when we moved to Oregon, and i feel so much bigger! She gave me the drink i need to drink for my next appointment to check and see if i have gestational diabetes, kind of scared to drink it :P We started getting ready to leave and started walking out and Holly called us back in, we forgot to listen to baby's heartbeat! So we went back in there and she got the little dobbler thingy out, put it on my belly, and for a second there me and Christian had a heart attack! lol we couldn't hear the heartbeat at first, but that because she wasn't on the right spot. We finally found it and i got a sharp kick on my left side and baby's heartbeat was harder to hear. I was laughing and told Holly that the baby had moved and i pointed right where the baby was and there the heartbeat was again stronger than ever! Nut the baby was trying to move away again lol baby doesn't like when that thing is all up in its space :P It was so cute. I love our little baby!
This week my cravings have been..buffalo sauce.. :D and shrimp! I also wanted Watermelon and sour cream yesterday... but i didn't even try it. I was to scared too lol. I have been sleeping better, feeling more and more tired at night. Baby is still laying on my nerve, and enjoying it :] Even though it makes me miserable. my feet haven't been swelling, but i have felt a slight swelling in my hands. Also while i was at work my stomach had gotten really hard and a weird pain, not something i couldn't bear of course, but enough to know it was a pain lol. It might have a Braxton-Hick contraction? But who knows. It hasn't happened since. (: Well that is all for this week!
Until next week..
Sunday, May 13, 2012
24 Weeks!
Baby this week is the size of an ear of a corn, my baby book says baby is too big to compare to fruits now :p. Baby has gained about four ounces since last week.Also baby's brain is growing quickly now and taste buds are continuing to develop. Baby's lungs are now starting to develop. Our baby's little face is basically fully formed, eyebrows, eyelashes, and everything! :p
First things first, Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there! (:
Today has been on heck of a day! So glad i am home relaxing with my fiancé! So i read today that at 24 weeks my uterus is the size of a soccer ball! Thats huge! well at least to me.. and it is about to get a whole lot bigger! This week i have been feeling pretty darn good! Just super hungry all the time. I can feel the pounds starting to pack on! D: But hey! its all part of pregnancy! I haven't had any cravings, just been eating what i eat. I also read that eating the same thing every day isn't all that healthy for the baby? Apparently you need to have a variety of food you eat. Which for lunch i eat the same thing everyday.. peanut butter sammiches! :D i figure i have a wide variety of food everyday, that eating the same thing for lunch will be okay! I can defiantly feel a difference in my belly this week, i am feeling loads bigger. Sleeping is still a challenge, just been sleeping with my elmo body pillow and two other pillows under me and to the sides of me! That's my comfortable way of sleeping :p. I can feel the baby move more and more. I love feeling my baby move around! It just makes me feel that much better, and gives me a sense of calmness, because i worry sometimes on how the baby is doing so when i feel baby move it is just like a reassurance that everything is going okay(: My regular clothes are starting to get to tight and uncomfortable! Like this for example, this evening i go to button a pair of pants and they wouldn't even button! i was laughing because i know that this is supposed to be happening, so i don't get discouraged about it, but it's not just those pants.. its all my jeans! Looks like i will be wearing my comfy black preggo pants everywhere i go :],
Well i keep on getting distracted by the tv, the new episode of sister wives is on tonight! :D
So im catching up on the older episodes (:
Also i have a doctors appointment on Wednesday so my next week blog will give more about how much i have gained and everything else that they do there! So that will be on the next blog!
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. and hope everyone is looking forward to Monday just as much as i am..because its my FRIDAY :D
Until next week!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
23 weeks = 6 months!
Baby this week is sixth months growing!;) can you believe it?! Baby can now feel the movement of my body! Baby's ears have also fully developed! Baby is weighs over a pound now, and will double the size in just 4 weeks! Baby's skin is all saggy at this stage and still transparent, but then again baby is still growing!
Week 23.. six months in.. I can't freaking believe it! ;D only 3 more months to go! Isn't that crazy?! I love waking up on Saturdays knowing im another week further! Its like waking up on christmas morning, you know that feeling when you wake up and your all excited to see what santa has brought you.. yeah I get that feeling every Saturday! This week so far is going good, im feeling good! Minus I feel more and more hungry! But it seems like im more hungry at work then I am at home.. hmm maybe I need to pack a bigger lunch;p. Baby once in a while still lays on my nerve, but once I start talking to baby and rubbing my belly the pain goes away. (It must be baby's way of wanting some attention :) ) my cravings this week are still the same it's been.. hotdogs and spaghetti! And the occasional craving for icecream! Sleeping is getting more and more harder but I've figured a way to get comfortable finally so I should be okay for awhile!;) my secret to being comfortable while I sleep.. PILLOWS..LOTS AND LOTS OF PILLOWS ;). i've gotten the occasional lower back pain, nothing out pf control though (: well I don't have much for this week, nothing much has been going on! But I can tell you that I have a doctors appointment on the 16th! So ill have more to write then;) until then folks! (: