Well.. How do you like my face smile and crazy hair huh? huh? Lol i dont like this picture as much BUT you can see the sign really well and see my cute shirt! :D Christian said I had to wear this shirt because it shows a heart over my bump :p. He's just too cute.
This week baby's bones are turning from soft cartilage to hard bone! And the umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker! Baby can move its joints and the sweat glands are starting to develop!
So Today I went to the Doctor and everything is going great! Got to hear my baby's heartbeat again and my mid-wife was glad to say its a nice strong heartbeat. (: I asked her if i would be feeling the baby move soon and when she checked my heartbeat she said that i should be feeling it really soon because the baby is front and center. ;) Meaning I'm not carrying baby in my back like some women do. My placenta is right in front. Which could probably be why i looked like i have been showing so soon!(: Christian recorded the baby's heartbeat.
Amazing.. RIGHT?! :D Yes, i know everyone has the heartbeat all figured out on if it is a boy or a girl, but i like to think differently besides i've known a few babies who haven't fallen into that category;) So we will see. I got on the scale to take my weight and guess what... 137. I have only gained ONE pound! At first i was freaking out because i thought that it was bad that i wasn't gaining a bunch of weight, so i asked Megan our Mid-wife and she said no its actually better to not gain so much weight so soon and its good that I'm not taking in any extra then what I need.. (yet anyway ;) ) so no Grandma Jaegar im not getting fat! LOL. I have been feeling good this week. I did though of course throw up on Saturday baby wanted to let me know (as if i didnt already) That it was another week older. :P But other than that my nausea has been nice and settled. No cravings this week besides wanting soda! Which i refuse to drink because it freaks me out now, but i feel like now that i have my energy back and everything kind of feels like everything is normal i want soda back! Which i was hoping i wouldn't want it, but its all good. (: I have been having some round ligament pain for a while now which is normal. Its just a pain that feels like your ovaries are like in pain? but its not its the ligaments pulling when the baby moves around is what i was told. It should be starting to fade away soon. My feet are starting to hurt more and more so im excited to get home and put my feet up. I really want to get a little foot bath thingy to put my feet in! Still really itchy, but going to start putting some lotion stuff on soon before i itch my skin off. :D bahaha
Well, i am going to go play some Call of Duty with Christian! Have a great rest of your night!
This is the story of the journey of my life, or should i say, OUR journey.

Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
16 Weeks. PREGNANT & PROUD (:
Sixteen weeks and feelin' it! I can defiantly feel the weight coming on! I feel like i have been doing a non stop work-out. It is making me more and more exhausted but heyy whose complaining :]
Baby is now the size of an avocado! Baby can feel me poke my belly or if someone else touches it. Sensitive to touch is a better way to put it i guess :p Also my pregnancy app is telling me to get ready for a growth spurt :D In the next few weeks baby is going to double is size! :D Baby has started growing toenails and is pumping 25 quarts of blood each day! So much going on inside my belly there.
This week i have been feeling loads of exhaustion, but its nice to come home and relax next to the best fiance in the world! I have been able to keep my food down! WOOHOO! I have been craving hotdogs with mustard lol. I haven't felt my feet swell just yet and my acid reflex has gone down to almost nothing which is always a plus! My belly has been really itchy which means i better start rubbing some lotion on it so i won't itch it! although it is really hard not too. Today i wore what you can see in the picture and i can't zip up that jacket anymore lol made me laugh. So far everything with me has been good. Working hard, enjoying life, and being pregnant. what more can i ask for? :P Well i guess maysbe some clothes... I don't know how people go threw pregnancy without maternity clothes.. everything i wear has to be comfortable or im irritated all day! But i dont need a whole new wardrobe just a few more pairs of pants and shirts and i will be set! Gonna have to go shopping soon though! i think i have worn my three shirts out :P. Well i am off to bed got another long day ahead of me tomorrow and then BAM my FRIDAY. YESSSSSSSSSSS! this week has gone by so slow! Next week i will have a doctors appointment and then i will be able to let everyone know how much lovely weight i have gained [: Until next week!
This is just something i would like to add. There was a lady who said to me that she didnt believe in love and that people think that they are in love and get married young and realize it isnt love blahblahblah. Well I would just like to say to all those people who dont "believe" in love. ITS REAL and the picture above is two people who TRULY do love eachother. No, love isn't like the movies you see or the books you read, you have bad and good times and you help eachother through whatever it is that they are going through. It is true that some marriages don't work out and im not saying they all will, but i am saying that whatever life throws Christian and I WE are here to fight for our love and our relationship. We are all entitled to our opinion yes, but some people don't need to preach to me about how love isn't real and nothing ever lasts just because they are unhappy.And just for the record IM ENGAGED, PREGNANT, AND HAPPY! ;] no need to spoil it.
Baby is now the size of an avocado! Baby can feel me poke my belly or if someone else touches it. Sensitive to touch is a better way to put it i guess :p Also my pregnancy app is telling me to get ready for a growth spurt :D In the next few weeks baby is going to double is size! :D Baby has started growing toenails and is pumping 25 quarts of blood each day! So much going on inside my belly there.
This week i have been feeling loads of exhaustion, but its nice to come home and relax next to the best fiance in the world! I have been able to keep my food down! WOOHOO! I have been craving hotdogs with mustard lol. I haven't felt my feet swell just yet and my acid reflex has gone down to almost nothing which is always a plus! My belly has been really itchy which means i better start rubbing some lotion on it so i won't itch it! although it is really hard not too. Today i wore what you can see in the picture and i can't zip up that jacket anymore lol made me laugh. So far everything with me has been good. Working hard, enjoying life, and being pregnant. what more can i ask for? :P Well i guess maysbe some clothes... I don't know how people go threw pregnancy without maternity clothes.. everything i wear has to be comfortable or im irritated all day! But i dont need a whole new wardrobe just a few more pairs of pants and shirts and i will be set! Gonna have to go shopping soon though! i think i have worn my three shirts out :P. Well i am off to bed got another long day ahead of me tomorrow and then BAM my FRIDAY. YESSSSSSSSSSS! this week has gone by so slow! Next week i will have a doctors appointment and then i will be able to let everyone know how much lovely weight i have gained [: Until next week!
This is just something i would like to add. There was a lady who said to me that she didnt believe in love and that people think that they are in love and get married young and realize it isnt love blahblahblah. Well I would just like to say to all those people who dont "believe" in love. ITS REAL and the picture above is two people who TRULY do love eachother. No, love isn't like the movies you see or the books you read, you have bad and good times and you help eachother through whatever it is that they are going through. It is true that some marriages don't work out and im not saying they all will, but i am saying that whatever life throws Christian and I WE are here to fight for our love and our relationship. We are all entitled to our opinion yes, but some people don't need to preach to me about how love isn't real and nothing ever lasts just because they are unhappy.And just for the record IM ENGAGED, PREGNANT, AND HAPPY! ;] no need to spoil it.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
15 weeks..& 1 Day! [;
Ohh boy it has been a not so good start to my 15 weeks! But hey its all going to be worth it (:
I know i don't look all that great in this picture, but i promise one of these pictures im going to look awesome! :P Today has been one heck of a day! Woke up early for work and threw up pure cold water! Yes, i literally drank a glass of water then threw it up five seconds later.. weirdest thing i have thrown up. Second i have like the worst acid reflex of my life. You have no idea how bad it hurts until its happened to you! But we called a nurse and got some medicine for it so its getting a little better. This whole acid reflex thing happened about two hours ago so im still dealing with it -__-
Baby can now sense light! Even though the eyes are closed on my baby it can still sense light and may back away from it if i was to shine a flashlight on my belly(: Baby can also hear my voice if not now it can in the next week! Its so awesome ^.^. Baby's legs are now growing faster than its arms measuring about 4 inches from head to bum! Also baby is forming taste buds, even though there isn't much for it to taste just yet!
Since we decided to post the names for our baby in the other blog and the app i believe, i will post them on here
Girl: Emma Victoria Mulliner
Boy: Tristian Brady Mulliner
This week i haven't had any constant cravings, just random food i want at random times. I can defiantly feel an increase in my appetite, well at least some days. I am getting the whole "stuffy" nose thing that is supposed to happen in the second trimester. Some times i get headaches, but they aren't super bad just minor little headaches that go away. This blog is totally sucking because i am so tired and ready to just sleep for hours! So excited its my Friday tomorrow! :D Christian is being a lot of help for me as always, making me dinner, (Sometimes ;]) making sure i'm doing okay, rubbing my belly and kissing it :P. He is going to be the best dadddy! Well at least i was on time with this blog! :D I decided that im going to just stick top Sundays for my blog updates because Saturdays are just to crazy! So whenever you see my blog remember i am that many weeks plus one day! (: Hope everyone has an awesome Monday! See ya laterr!
Monday, March 5, 2012
14 Weeks = 4 Months! :D
(might i add, we finally get a cool background and christian had the shakes!)
Well here is me and baby and 14 weeks! :D Already 4 months in! Second Tri-mester! WOOHOO! Its just so exciting :D I'm really starting to believe that the camera adds 10 pounds because i don't look this big in real life! lol i see these pictures then look in the mirror and i don't see it. Yes, I know i have been slacking it with keeping up on the blog, but i have a good reason! I was not feeling to great Saturday and then Sunday i had to wake up at 4! So i had to get to bed early. This picture was taken yesterday on that awesome beautiful day! 50 degrees! WOOO!
This week baby can now open and close its fists, urinate, make facial movements such as: frown, squint, and grimace. Baby can also now suck its own thumb in there! bahah how cute ^.^ Baby is also getting eyebrow hair along with the little hair around its whole body which will keep baby warm! By the end of this week Baby's arms will have grown to the same size as its body! :D My little baby is growing so fast! I can't believe it!
I have been feeling good this week,I can kind of feel my energy starting to come back which is a plus! My nausea was going good up until i had to get on antibiotics, and they make me throw up every day! D: But only a few more days of taking them. Don't worry im on antibiotics for something really little so its not a big deal.(: My appetite is coming back! I can finally enjoy spicy food again, but still no chicken..EVER. hmm i have been craving a lot of hot mustard yes weird i know! Don't judge me im pregnant!;) Not just any old hot mustard, but like the Micky D's hot mustard which sucks, cuz that place makes me sick! My mood has been good i have been feeling good back to where my mood has always been, but sometimes just out of the blue..BANG! I feel so sad and don't even have a reason! OR i get so irriated and frustrated that shouldn't bother me at all. I love how i sound so bi-polar right now. ;P Sleeping is getting kind of better i mean some nights im out like a light and can sleep all night and then some nights i cant get comfortable what so ever! Which makes me laugh because the same night i was tossing and turning Christian was doing the same thing then he finally says.. "I can't get comfortable" LOL. I don't know why i think that was so funny, but i was glad that i wasn't the only feeling that way. He's just so awesome! My belly has been really itchy and i have been trying to avoid scratching it. Lately i have come to a conclusion that feeling pregnant at four months feels like a non stop bloat! Your stomach just always feels big, but hey! its not all that bad, i mean there is a baby growing inside you! My clothes are fitting okay well.. my work pants are anyway, my shirts all fit fine, but they are really tight and get uncomfortable through out the day. So my new look is loose shirts :P Which are nice, but as you can see in the picture my shirt is tight its all to show that belly of mine ;). Well i was going to put a picture up of a four month baby (fetus) but all of them look weird or i don't think they are very appropriate so i dont have one :( So i will end this blog with an old picture!
(Me and Christian Last January! isnt he just so cute!)
Well here is me and baby and 14 weeks! :D Already 4 months in! Second Tri-mester! WOOHOO! Its just so exciting :D I'm really starting to believe that the camera adds 10 pounds because i don't look this big in real life! lol i see these pictures then look in the mirror and i don't see it. Yes, I know i have been slacking it with keeping up on the blog, but i have a good reason! I was not feeling to great Saturday and then Sunday i had to wake up at 4! So i had to get to bed early. This picture was taken yesterday on that awesome beautiful day! 50 degrees! WOOO!
This week baby can now open and close its fists, urinate, make facial movements such as: frown, squint, and grimace. Baby can also now suck its own thumb in there! bahah how cute ^.^ Baby is also getting eyebrow hair along with the little hair around its whole body which will keep baby warm! By the end of this week Baby's arms will have grown to the same size as its body! :D My little baby is growing so fast! I can't believe it!
I have been feeling good this week,I can kind of feel my energy starting to come back which is a plus! My nausea was going good up until i had to get on antibiotics, and they make me throw up every day! D: But only a few more days of taking them. Don't worry im on antibiotics for something really little so its not a big deal.(: My appetite is coming back! I can finally enjoy spicy food again, but still no chicken..EVER. hmm i have been craving a lot of hot mustard yes weird i know! Don't judge me im pregnant!;) Not just any old hot mustard, but like the Micky D's hot mustard which sucks, cuz that place makes me sick! My mood has been good i have been feeling good back to where my mood has always been, but sometimes just out of the blue..BANG! I feel so sad and don't even have a reason! OR i get so irriated and frustrated that shouldn't bother me at all. I love how i sound so bi-polar right now. ;P Sleeping is getting kind of better i mean some nights im out like a light and can sleep all night and then some nights i cant get comfortable what so ever! Which makes me laugh because the same night i was tossing and turning Christian was doing the same thing then he finally says.. "I can't get comfortable" LOL. I don't know why i think that was so funny, but i was glad that i wasn't the only feeling that way. He's just so awesome! My belly has been really itchy and i have been trying to avoid scratching it. Lately i have come to a conclusion that feeling pregnant at four months feels like a non stop bloat! Your stomach just always feels big, but hey! its not all that bad, i mean there is a baby growing inside you! My clothes are fitting okay well.. my work pants are anyway, my shirts all fit fine, but they are really tight and get uncomfortable through out the day. So my new look is loose shirts :P Which are nice, but as you can see in the picture my shirt is tight its all to show that belly of mine ;). Well i was going to put a picture up of a four month baby (fetus) but all of them look weird or i don't think they are very appropriate so i dont have one :( So i will end this blog with an old picture!
(Me and Christian Last January! isnt he just so cute!)
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